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When I was born weigh 5200 grams, and 55cm, the second day of birth did not

stop crying, the nurse who took care of me realized that I was hungry but I never
imagined it was so much, I took the bottles of the 22 rooms of newborns , I was
satisfied and I managed to sleep peacefully, in conclusion I was a beautiful fat
Little by little I was growing, and developing tastes such as being very relaxed in
front of the beach, sleeping peacefully, as I was moving forward the achievements
began, such as the first grade, the degree of garden.
Already in my teens, skinny, good looking and conquering, I let my hair grow and
discover the world, I graduated from school and started working in events, with
artists who just started and are now very important not only in several musical
genres but also on television, such as Maluma, Kevin Roldan, Big Mancila, Nova,
Jory, Farina, Alkyla, Ñengo flow, Sebastian Yepes, the mills band, Adriana Tono,
El Pibe, Riaño among others.
I start a new stage in my life, to fulfill dreams, I enter to study medicine in the
Military U and to render military service during two years, I decide not to follow
since the vocation is finished and I decide to enter to study Administration of
I begin to travel and to open my eyes, to realize that the world offers great
opportunities and that what we have in front of us is not only what is there, I am
making trips to Spain in cities like Barcelona city of the best team in the world,
Madrid, and in France in cities such as Marseille, Monpellier, Grenoble, Nantes,
Lyon and Paris.
Upon returning from the trip and finding myself at the end of the university career, I
decided to start, I opened a bar with which I spent a year, Son de la Sierra, was
located in Rodadero, an excellent experience of training and application of
knowledge, In the end, it is possible to sell, in December of 2017 I finished
academically and in January of 2018 I started working in TigoUne in the city center,
5 spectacular months of customer service and learning.
To close I present my family, I adore them with my soul, my parents Gustavo, 64
years old, Sandra, 53 years old, my sister Paula, 23 years old and my brother
Tizon, 8 years old, this is me, it is a summary of my life, I hope you like it.

Thank you

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