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He was born in Arequipa on August 10, 1790. He was a Peruvian revolutionary poet
and independence activist. He is known for having given space in his creation to the
Yaravi. He was a forerunner of literary Romanticism in America and the initiator of an
authentically Peruvian literature. Participated in the war for the independence of Peru.
He was taken prisoner in the battle of Umachiri and shot the next day in the same place
at 24 years of age.

Mariano Melgar was born in the department of Arequipa. He was the son of Juan de
Dios Melgar and Andrea Valdiviezo Gallegos was born on August 10 (San Lorenzo's
day) in 1790. He was baptized on August 12 of that year in the cathedral of Arequipa,
by the parish priest Matías Banda.

 In 1810, he studied at the San Jerónimo Conciliar Seminary, where he became a
professor of Latinity and rhetoric.
 In 1812, He traveled to Lima to study law in the cloisters of San Carlos.
 In Lima he was inclined towards literature. He wrote beautiful poems, fables and
yaravíes. Among his works highlights his "Letter to Silvia", dedicated to the love of
his life, Maria de los Santos Corrales.
 In 1814, in Arequipa he joined the independence rebellion of the Angulo brothers
and Mateo Pumacahua. Cacique Pumacahua appointed him War Auditor, He
attended the Battle of Umachiri on March 11, 1815.
 he Peruvian District of Umachiri is one of the 9 districts of the Province of Melgar,
located in the Department of Puno.
 In 1827 the "Carta a Silvia" was published in Ayacucho.
 In 1831, in the same newspaper, a series of Songs "Yaravies" appeared

And finally I will read a fragment of a yaravie:

Vuelve mi palomita,
Vuelve a tu dulce nido.

No seas, pues, tirana;

Haz ya paces conmigo:
Ya no de llorar cansado
Me tiene tu capricho.

No vuelvas más, no sigas

Tus desviados giros;
Tus alitas doradas
Revuelvan, que ya expiro.

Vuelve, que ya no puedo

Vivir sin tus cariños,
Vuelve mi palomita,
Vuelve a tu dulce nido

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