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1-Why do people read books?

Of my point of view people read books for different things, but the most common is for learning
and for entertain themselves and pass a good time.

2-What kinds of books do you like?

I like all type of books, it depends of my mood, but in general i like fiction books,like song of ice
and fire or harry potter.

3-Describe a book that was enteresting for you.

Like i say in the last question, i like the saga of George RR martin (Song of ice and fire).The main
plot of all the books is about the different "kingdoms" and their fight to gain power over others.

4-Describe a book that thaught you a lot,

In this case, i'm going to talk about 2 mangas. That are my favorite: Naruto and Fullmetal
alchemist (FMA-Brotherhood) those two mangas are more than just a fight versus a powerful
guy. They talk about the life and why you, never have surrender to her. and why you always have
to follow your dreams and fight for them.

5-Why is fiction more interesting than non fiction?

I think that fiction is more popular because literal have a infinite combination of style and for
that you always going to find a theme that you like. In the contrapart non-fiction is is based on
real issues and therefore does not give you that creative freedom that fiction books have

6-why might somebody read non-fiction?

In my case, it depends of my mood. when i'm tired of read about dragons and witches. I like to
seat a read something about life and real issues.

7-Who is your favorite character from a book? why?

My favorite character for a book is Arya Stark from (Game of throne) and why? because is one of
the most interesting character of the series.

8-Mention some things you cannot learn from books.

"How to achieve your dreams," because that is something as personal as life itself and each
person has a different objective and a different way of achieving. it that can not be learned by
something written by another person.

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