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ECH 5513 – Group Reading Assignment

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Group member –

1) Imran
2) Fathi
3) Jai
4) ??


Review –

This article is discussing the reality of climate change that currently takes place and the importance of
making the right moves to limit the change. The subject of matter arises as the report by
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) revealed that international community is severely off
track in the effort to limit climate change. IPCC’s reports foresee a potential that the world will be
warmer by 1.5 degrees Celsius or more by 2030. As matter of fact, to date human activities already
results in rise of temperature approximately 1 degree Celsius in comparison to pre-industrial era and the
impacts are already manifested with floods, droughts and heatwaves.

The report which is produced by 91 authors also suggested that it is important to limit the global
warming to below 1.5 degrees Celsius in comparison to 2 degrees Celsius. Lower temperature change
will not only reduce heat related morbidity and mortality but also will results in 0.1m less in sea level
rise. This will help to reduce the number of people potentially exposed to the effect of higher sea level
by millions. It is also projected that the impact on biodiversity and ecosystem will be lesser at 1.5
degrees Celsius. With the world is on track for temperature rise of 3 degrees Celsius, the impact will be
substantial not only on human living but other creatures too.

While limiting climate change requiring an all-around effort from every sector, it is important to respect
to heritage and human rights. Human rights violation should not take place in the name of combatting
climate change. Today our choices matter more than ever. We shall prioritize sustainable development
while eradicating poverty and improve standard of living without neglecting the climate goals.

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