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Go away! Go clean your room!

(Pergilah!) (Pergi bereskan kamarmu!)

Go with me! Come in!

(Pergilah denganku!) (Masuklah!)

Go home! Talk to me!

(Pulanglah!) (Bicaralah dengan ku!)

Go out! Help me!

(keluarlah) (Tolong!)

Go to bed! Keep silent!

(Tidurlah) (tenanglah!)

Go ahead! Take me to the Post office!

(Majulah!) (Antarkan aku ke kantor Pos!)

Stand up! Leave that package at that table!

(Berdiri!) (Taruh paket itu di meja!)

Sit down!

Come on over here! Make me a meal!

(Datanglah kesini!) (Buatkan aku makanan!)

Advertisement Tell me where Ann is!

(katakan padaku dimana Ann!)
Tell me the whole truth!
(katakana kepadaku semua kebenaran itu!) Turn of the air conditioner!
(Matikan AC!)
Pour me a glass of water!
(Tuangkan aku segelas air!) Turn on the television!
(Hidupkan Tv!)
Pass me that salt!
(Berikan aku garam itu!) Ask me a question!
(Berikan aku satu pertanyaan!)
Just do it!
(lakukan saja!) Tell me!
(Katkan padaku!)
Hang up your Clothe!
(Gantung baju mu!) Love me!
(Cintai aku!)
Clean your room!
(Bersihkan ruangmu!) Stay away!
Stay with me! Try to speak English!
(tetap bersamaku!) (Coba bicara bahasa Inggris!)

Buy me some drink! Close your eyes!

(Belikan aku beberapa minuman!) (Tutup matamu!)

Keep out! Shout your mouth!

(Menjauh!) (tutup mulutmu!)

Speak to me! Keep practicing!

(Bicaralah padaku!) (Teruslah berlatih!)

Look at me! Stop smoking!

(Lihatlah aku!) (berhenti merokok!)

Speak aloud! Keep your words!

(Bicara yang keras!) (Jagalah janjimu!)

Keep your promise! Get rid of those things!

(Jaga janjimu!) (Singkirkan barang-barang itu!)

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