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Assalamu’alaikum wr, wb,

The honorable judges/ and the lovely audience. Nice to see you all/ in this event. First of all, I
would like to thank to Allah SWT, for the great health/ and the chance to be here/ delivering my
speech on/ “How to face the impact of gadget/ to students behavior and habit”

Nowadays, high technology development/ goes faster/ and faster. Most of people including kids,
teenagers/ and adults use high technology devices/ or gadgets/ in this globalization era. It means
that/ students in lower stage/ such as kindergarten/ up to upper stage/ college students I mean/
use high technology gadget.

As we know/ all of high technology devices/ or gadget/ have good and bad impacts/ to the users/
especially kids. It means that we are as users/ have got to be/ smarter than/ our smart devices or
gadget such as smart PC, android phones, I phone and others. We must know/ its function,
benefit, and its negative effect/ toward the users, especially students/ under 17 years old.

Furthermore, parents’ companion/ is really needed/ for students/ in using the smart devices/ or
gadgets. Knowing the smart facilities/ of internet connections/ that the gadgets offered, the
students as users/ can open any kinds of sites/ they want. In case, not all of the sites in internet/
suits on their age. The parents should guide/ their children under 17/ in using those smart

The negative impact of smart devices and gadgets on students’ behavior and habits can be worse
if the users are not smarter. Let’s see, if students under 17, open the adult sites such as You Tube,
in this site they can see and download any kinds of movies which are not suit for their age. Then
be aware of games, not all the games offered for kids or students under 17, especially Japanese
games, because some of Japanese games are offered for adult or free night life. The worse those
negative entertainments of internet facilities that the gadgets give, influences the students habit,
for example never do sholat, have a date in elementary school, do free sex in teenage stage, lazy
to study, do many crimes, break the parents’ and school rules and so many else.

Related to the previous explanation, we know high technology facilities, especially internet/
gives positive effects also/ as long as we become smart users. We can get so many kinds of
information, unlimited information/ whole around the world. Students can broaden their
knowledge by browsing some up to date knowledge in and kinds of aspects, such as science,
online language acquisition and others. The key is being smart users/ for your smart devices/ or
gadgets. Then parents are really suggested/ to accompany and guide their children/ under 17/ to
use the gadgets or smart devices/ on smart needs only.

That’s all I can share on “How to face the impact of gadget/ to students behavior and habit”,
hopefully this information makes us to be a smart gadget users.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb

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