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1. Completa las frases en presente simple y traduce.

a) Peter _____________ (not live) in Spain. He ___________(live) in England.

b) I __________ (go) to school on Mondays. I ___________ (not go) to school at the weekend.

c) We ___________ (not play) rugby at school, but we __________ (play) football.

d) He ______________ (teach) Geography. He ______________ (not teach) English.

e) Dogs _____________ (not eat) fruit, but they ________ (eat) meat.

f) _____________ (he/learn) German at school? Yes, he _________.

g) ______________ (You/live) in Madrid? No, I__________.

8) ________ your parents ________( work) in a school? Yes, they___________ .

8 ___________ ___(Hanna/ speak) English? No, she _____________.

2 Escribe las frases en afirmativa, en negativa o interrogativa.

a) she / live / New York (+)

b) they / speak / English (-)

c) we / go / to school / every day (?)

d) I / go / to school / every day (+)

e) they / learn / German / at school (+)

f) you / play / the guitar (?)

g) Charlie / watch / TV / at the weekend (+)

h) we / play / rugby / at school (-)

i) they / eat / meat (?)

j) Susie and Ollie / live / in Dublin (?)

k) I / teach / Geography / in a school (-)

3. Completa las frases con el sujeto y la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis.

a) ___________________ in England? (they / live). Yes, _____________ (they). ______________ in

Manchester. (they / live ✓). They _________________ in Spain. (they / live ✗)
b) ________________ meat? (he / eat). No,_______________ (he). _________________meat (he / eat ✗)
c) ____________English? (she / teach). No, ____________(she). ____________Geography. (she / teach
d) ________TV on Mondays? (they /watch).Yes,________ (they). __________TV every day.(they /watch ✓)

4. Indica el error en cada frase. Luego escribe las frases correctas.

They plays football at the weekend.

He don’t learn English.

Do she live in Sydney? Yes, she does.

We doesn’t play the guitar.

You watches TV every day.

Does you work at the weekend? No, I don’t.

Does Fred work every day? Yes, he do.

5. Escribe tres frases en afirmativa, tres frases en negativa y tres preguntas. Usa las palabras de los

I learn English
you speak German
he teach Geography
she play rugby
it eat the guitar
we meat
they fruit

1. Mariposa
2. Canario
3. Delfín
4. Elefante
5. Rana
6. Jirafa
7. Caballo
8. León
9. Mono
10. Ratones
11. Ratón
12. Panda
13. Conejo
14. Tiburón
15. Serpiente
16. Tigre
17. Tortuga
18. Ballena
19. Cebra
20. Brazo
21. Oreja
22. Ojo
23. Dedo (de la mano)
24. Pie
25. Pelo/piel
26. Pelo (cabeza)
27. Mano
28. Cabeza
29. Pierna
30. Boca
31. Nariz
32. Cola
33. Dientes
34. Dedo(del pie)
35. Ala

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