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Ben Gallimore

November 08, 2018

Spanish 350

Reflection 2

This is the second reflection of the Spanish 350 class that I am currently enrolled in. A lot

has been covered since the last reflection. We went over some more leaders and some more

places which make up the southern cone of South America. The two main places we discussed

were Uruguay and Chile. We covered exile in these places as well as other important topics and

events. We also had a grammar day which was majorly needed considering we do not go over

much during the class times.

One major topic we discussed was the yes and no campaign in Chile. The leader at the

time was Augusto Pinochet. He was the dictator of Chile for seventeen years. The people of

Chile were beginning to stir and were fed up with the harsh dictator. They formed the no

campaign which went against Pinochet and his ways. The yes campaign was the opposite; they

favored Pinochet and wanted his rule to continue. The yes campaign was expected to win by a

landslide but the no campaign made a few convincing advertisements that won over enough

people to end the dictatorship of Pinochet.

My overall performance rating this far I would say is not very good. I personally believe

that our lack of going over verb tenses and vocab is making my ability to conjugate worse. For

me to remember and to do well I need to go over the verb tenses daily and practice in class a lot

more than just one day per semester. If I could change something about this class it would be
that. To go over more vocabulary and practice the tenses related to the topic being covered in


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