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By the sanie author TOWARDS COLONIAL FREEDOM, 1946 WHAT I MEAN BY POSITIVE ACTION, 1950 GHANA (avTOBIOGRAPHY), 1957 1 SPEAK OF FREEDOM, 1961 AFRICA MUST UNITE, 1963 consciencisM, 1964 NEO-COLONIALISM The Last Stage of Imperialism KWAME NKRUMAH @) INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS NEW YORK © by Kwame Nkrumah, 1965 . This book is dedicated to the Freed Fighte First published in 1965 by Thomas Nelson & Sons, Lid, London Me ms - oe of Mien ng and deat Published in the United States by INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS CO,, INC., 1966 All Rights Reserved Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66—18026 Printed in the United States of America “The enormous dimensions of finance-capital con- centrated in a few hands and creating an extremely extensive network of close ties and relationships which involves not only the small and medium capitalists, but also even the very small; this, on the one hand, and on. the other the bitter struggle against other national State ‘groups of financiers for the partition of the world and the right to rule over other countries—these two factors taken together cause the complete conversion of all the possessing classes to the side of imperialism. "The signs of the times are a “general” enthusiasm regarding its prospects, a passionate defence of im- perialism, and every possible camouflage of its real nature.’—LeNtn, Imperialism, Contents 10. u. 12, 13, 14, 15. 16. Introduction Africa's Resources Obstacles to Economic Progress Imperialist Finance Monopoly Capitalism and the American Dollar 5. The Truth behind the Headlines Primary Resources and Foreign Interests . The Oppenheimer Empire Foreign Investment in South African Mining Anglo American Corporation Limited ‘The Diamond Groups Mining Interests in Central Africa Companies and Combines ‘The Tin, Aluminium and Nickel Giants Union Minitre du Haut Katanga Economic Pressures in the Congo Republic Monetary Zones and Foreign Banks

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