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dr aronnax leaned over the railing to get a better look.

ned land held his harpoon ready to

strike. the ship started moving towards the creature, but is swiftly moved away. in fact, every
time the abraham lincoln neared the monster, it would escape at great speed. hours went by
and ned became furious. nigth fell and they were still hunting the creature. the narwhal was
now swimming in the same blue light they had seen the previous night. at about 11 o'clock, it
stopped moving.Ned got ready to strike. as he neared the monster, the harpoon shot out of his
hand. the surface it hit was hard and they heard a deep ringing sound. the light from the
creature disappeared and two huge jets of water landed on the deck of the abraham lincoln. it
covered the entire ship and knocked the men off their feet. the force of the water threw Dr
Aronnax over the rail and into the sea. he went deep down in the water, but he struggled and
managed to kick himself to the surface. when he came up, he saw the lights of the abraham
lincoln sailing away in the darkness.

help! help! he cried out in fear, but nobody heard him. he tried to swim but his clothes were
heavy. help! he cried one more time, and his mouth filled with water. suddenly, he felt a
strong hand holding him up. in the moonlight, he saw conseil.

it's you, he said. it's you!

please lean on my shoulder and i'll help you swim, said conseil. Dr Aronnax was happy and

I felt that i had to follow you when i saw you fall, conseil replied.

Dr Aronnax felt grateful. Together, they would face the danger. they got rid of some of their
wet, heavy clothes and they decided to take turns swimming and carrying each other. as time
went by, the men became more and more tired. Dr Aronnax felt he could no longer continue
and then, suddenly, he hit something hard. in the dark, he felt someone pulling him up. then,
he fainted. when he finally opened his eyes again, he saw conseil and another man.

ned! he cried out. i can't believe it's you!

ned explained to dr aronnax that he had landed on the monster when he fell into the sea.

We're lucky it isn't moving. the creature must be asleep, said conseil.

it seems to have a very hard skin, said Dr Aronnax, as he felt it with his foot.

They examined the strange creature in the moonlight.

This isn't a creature, said Ned. No wonder my harpoon didn't hurt it.

Why is that? asked Dr Aronnax.

Because, professor, our monster is made of steel!

When daylight came, they were able to look at the monster more carefully. They were
surprised by what they saw. They could not believe it. Their monster was a ship that could sail
under the sea!

whatever this is, it appears to be sinking, said Conseil calmly.

Ned Land started kicking the steel surface and the others joined in.

Hey, you! he shouted. Open up!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise. A hatch opened and a man came out. He said something in a
strange language and disappeared. Almost at once, eight masked men appeared and dragged
the three friends inside.

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