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Prusa I3 Simplify3D PLA FFF preset by Thijmen_Schouten is licensed under the
Creative Commons - Attribution license.

# Summary

This is a Simplify3D FFF preset for the Prusa I3 3mm nozzle, PLA.

I have set the settings the way I like it, but you can change it with no problem.
Since my starting and ending script was not there, I had to do alot of research to
make it myself, since I don't know anything about that kind of stuff.
And because I think more people have this problem, I thought it would be helpful
for alot of other people.

If you are in the program click on:
File > Import FFF > and select this FFF file

UPDATE V2: Please use this V2, this one is much more optimized.

(I also included a 20mm test cube in the files, so you can test if it works.)

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