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Prolog :
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.
Hai, my name is Shelvya Rahmatul Irman.
In this video, I was asked to Miss Vivien as presentator in Inspiring Talk : Live in
European Countries at 13th of August 2018.

Question (Shelvya) :
Hai, Miss Vivien.
My name is Shelvya Rahmtul Irman.
I want to ask about climate there.
Indonesia and European countries have different climate. I have heard from someone
who has decided to study in Europe. He has problems with the climate there.

Answer (Miss Vivien):

To be honest, if you go to center of Europe or North of Europe then is very cold. Like
Finland, Norway, Switzerland, Germany. So, put it this way, North and Central of
Europe. North of Europe most of the time cold. Central of Europe like Germany,
Austria, Poland, Hungary, all this kind of countries cold winter, hot summer. So, there'd
be have to 4 season. And then many ... like Portugal, Italy, Spain they have lighter
winter but because of the global warming there is some issues happen ... we would have
like lighter winter and hot summer like here but not so tropical, more dry.

Conclusion :
So, what I get is, for Indonesian people who usually feel the tropical climate and then
live in Europe, they need to adapt more to the climate there, especially in the winter.
Climate change is also one of the obstacles for Indonesian students that studying in
Europe. The temperature ratio between Indonesia and Europe in the winter can be said
to be quite extreme so it takes several days to get used to such cold weather.
Europe became one of the continents which it had very cold air compared to four
seasons on other continents.
The climate in Europe is grouped as follows.
1) Sea climate in Northwest Europe
The winter is not too cold and summer is not too hot. Like in France.
2) Climate transition in Central Europe
The winter is cold and the summer is still warm. Like in Poland and Hungary.
3) Continental climate in Eastern Europe
The winter is very cold and the summer is very hot.
4) Cold climate in the north
The winter is long and very cold, short summers. Like in Finland, Switzerland, Russia.
5) Mediterranean climate in South of Europe
The winter is lighter winter and dry summers. Not so tropical like in Indonesia, but
more dry.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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