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Invention Quiz:
1. Who invented the steam pump?
2. Jethro Tull invented what?
Changes to class during IR 3.
Thomas Newcomen perfected the work of others to make what?
Eli who invented the cotton gin?
5. What is gin short for in cotton gin?
6. The name of George Stephenson’s locomotive is?
7. Who invented the telephone?
8. Who were the group that opposed the introduction of new

Progressive Britain
Although eighteenth-century Changing class systems
Britain may seem harsh and
unequal, compared to other For centuries the aristocracy had been the most powerful section of British
nations at the time it was society. But from the last quarter of the 18th century, the middle classes
progressive. In Britain, there began to grow in power and confidence. Land was no longer the only source
of wealth.
was the comparatively equal
application of the law.
It was now possible to make a fortune from manufacturing and trading
It was considered goods. There were new professional, technical and clerical roles that
newsworthy when, in 1760, required a high degree of education and training. There was an increasing
Lord Ferrers was hanged for number of retailers or shopkeepers that provided the goods manufactured
murdering his servant. He by the factories. The number of people who counted as middle class began
assumed he was above the to swell, and men became defined by their jobs rather than their family
background. This phenomenon also increased the amount of servants that
law due to his noble stature. were employed.

Changing class systems

In order to ensure that the aristocracy no longer had an unfair Author Samuel Smiles coined the
advantage, the middle classes campaigned energetically for electoral term ‘self-help’ which he used as
reform and free trade. the title for his best-selling book.

By creating the conditions for healthy competition, the Victorians

believed it should be possible, in theory, for any man to succeed in the Self-Help (1859) had chapters
world through his own efforts no matter how humble his origins. such as ‘Application and
Perseverance’ and contained
scores of inspirational case
This sounds exhilarating, but the price of failure was very high. People histories about men who had
who did not rise in the world were assumed to be at fault. They were risen from humble beginnings to
seen to be lazy, extravagant or proud and therefore responsible for
their own poverty. Only those who were too old to work or held back become captains of industry.
by disability deserved help.


The Working Class

Work and home life became sharply separated. Men earned money for their
families. Women took care of the home and saw their economic role
decline. While many factory workers were initially women, most of them
were young women who would quit working when they married. In stark
contrast to the various changing tasks that a farmer performed in pre-
industrial society, factory workers typically completed repetitive and
monotonous tasks for 10 to 14 hours each day.

Working-class families, though not working together, did serve an economic

purpose of raising money to support each other. Children often worked to
earn some income for the family. In difficult circumstances, mothers
struggled to make ends meet and keep the family out of the poorhouses.

The Poor The Poorest of the Poor

• Men could earn pennies as porters. Boys could
hold horses’ heads while the driver took a break,
or sell newspapers or fast food in the streets. The During the first 60 years of the Industrial Revolution, living conditions
‘mudlarks’ waded thigh-deep in the filthy toxic were, by far, worst for the poorest of the poor. In desperation, many
Thames mud to retrieve anything they could sell. turned to the “poorhouses” set up by the government. The Poor Law
Dogs’ turds could be collected and sold to the of 1834 created workhouses for the destitute. Poorhouses were
tanneries. Discarded cigar butts could be recycled designed to be deliberately harsh places to discourage people from
and marketed as new. staying on “relief” (government food aid).
• Sweeping a path across the filthy streets for a
well-dressed pedestrian could earn a few pennies,
legally. Begging might make more illegally,
especially if the beggar woman could use – even
hire – a small child. Sometimes the children were
blinded or maimed, to loosen the purse-strings of

1. What do you think this picture means?

a. What do the layers imply?
b. Why is a beehive symbolically important?
2. Note the date of illustration – why is this illustration relevant
to this time period?
3. Who is missing from this illustration? Why do you think they
are not included? Do you think there is bias implied in this
4. Research this illustration and complete a 5 W’s source
analysis for it
a. When was the source created?
b. Who created the source?
c. What is this source?
d. Where was it created?
e. Why – what purpose does this illustration serve us as


Create a revision slide/KeyNote:

• Three important concepts from todays lesson and why it is

• Two images including a caption
• Three definitions of terms from today

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