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In February of last year, my family and I went on vacation to Yacila beach, we ate delicious

dishes, but the funniest anecdote was when my cousins and I went to walk along the seashore
without noticing where we were walking, when we returned to look back to see how far we
were we realized we were lost, but for our luck we found our aunt buying ice cream, we ate ice
cream and returned to where they were all.

Thank you

my holidays

en febrero del año pasado, mi familia y yo fuimos de vacaciones a la playa Yacila, comimos
deliciosos platos ,pero la anecdota mas divertida fue cuando mis primas y yo fuimos a caminar
por las orillas del mar sin fijarnos donde caminabamos, cuando regresamos a mirar atras para
observar lo lejos que estabamos nos dimos cuenta que estabamos perdidas ,pero para nuestra
suerte encontramos a nuestra tia comprando helados ,comimos helados y regresamos donde
se encontraban todos.


mis vacaciones

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