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ASME PTC 25-2008 (Revision of ASME PTC 25-2001) ASME PTC 25-2001 {BiT hi Pressure Relief Devices Performance Test Codes zk FR HERE Dt oe SUSE Se Bl Hl Rt tr HE AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD AE Seed rn Rey xs eC society Oi | E eae Peery ASME PTC 25-2008 (Revision of ASME PTC 25-2001) ASME PTC 25-2001 {€iT hii Pressure Relief Devices Performance Test Codes lk FR HERE ih oe RUSE Se Hl El 2 br HE AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD eo Se eee ZASS) Tne American Society of SCPE ra ccc rc Sve TC Pap Spyeeeergey ee aw 2008 e? il be evsed when he Soret approves the issuance ofa new edition, Thee wl be no SM MARY. AIO FST RRL A ssued 0 this edition. ASME issues written replies to inquiries concetnin SMES) BER AL SUH K HE BEAD RR Puodicly catgn actions of te ASHE PIC 25 Commitee may be published as Cases. Cpses and ASME PTO SoS 2 Bee Me Zone interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages at HES ehtio: /sctools. seme ore ASHE SEH FRAP hitp:// as they are issued. lerpretations of technical aspects of this Code. ee. ASME fhe repre trade of he Ameen Solty of Mechanica Engaeets Ase aT wise Bem moe This code or standard was, developed under procedures accredited as meeting the citera for Ametcan Nationa Pate hAea eee e wae eke Lae AME standards. The Stondards Commitee that approves the cove of siandar was balance fo assure that indiguals om RRM HM eS ae a eth Wy oT aE AeA OM aA aT EY A ore aod congeners ave pad 4 enpornty to priate, Te opened ca xanga wat rae See a eee eee A Pee a MER a eee Ser eee ‘ena forrbleesow ond omen tht proces an oppetnty for sebionl pb np Wo ind, aco SER OPE ET ee BAe Feauiatoryogencies, and the public age 'ASME doesnot “approve,” “ate,” of “endorse” any tem, construction, proprietary device or activity SSHeES PanRe ae Nee ee wee [ASME does ot take any postion mth respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any SMHDAREHECHRDAMROEASHRO RHE: THEORS, CRETE ACT yp maripsejngngocoment ang des go pdgnake ora amore 4M gad xan diy fr RMECHALEMTRAEA ORE: AMER KK ME TS RAE Infngement of any applicable eters patent. ner assumes ary sich abil wee. uel thet own responsi. Fanlagaon ty federal awry senetatnn of person) afte winds gna be iterted as GAL Dhl eM Rin RAE ARIS LA serermt of nds endoerent ths cove o standard [ASME accepts responsibilty for ont those interpretations of his document issued in accordance withthe established AMER SERMAUER EO DEL SOMEONE SR SME procedures and pos, wich pred he aac of een by cid TREUT ALES ME ae a aceateesaaee ae a uh Ne eR Eee Wasa of thi acupent par be epaduced in gy oe, eee ee Ta eT a ies ey © a '¢ " tou i ey capone pues HERR E NESE Swe ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engines ‘Thwee Park Aven, New York, HY 10016-5990 Copyright © 2009 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHARICAL ENGINEERS Aight reserved Printed in USA, SEARS at sen SVE TC apap

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