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Combine the sentences using a relative pronoun. Do not use That. Use
brackets were the relative can be omitted. Be careful.: the relative clauses
can be defining or non- defining.

1. The Prime Minister was elected last month. He visited our town last week.

2. Tom’s father goes swimming every day. He is 78.

3. Do you know the girl? Tom is talking to her.

4. Bring me the cigarettes. I left them on the table.

5. Mr. Hogg is in Spain. His son has been missing for 5 days.

6. I protested to the woman. Her dog bit me.

7. The girl left him after a few weeks. He was in love with her.

8. Yesterday I met John. He told me he was getting married next month.

9. Martin speaks both English and Spanish. His mother is Spanish.

10. The man was away on holiday. I wanted to see this man.

11. This is the man. I gave money to him this morning.

12. What is the name of the woman? Her car has broken down.

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