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Cusco is located in the central and south eastern part of Peru at 3360

masl. Known as the "Archaeological Capital of America, it has a

population of 1 300,609 inhabitants. Cusco is a place that impresses the

senses, a space where magical legends are scattered in the air making us

relive stories of ancient cultures. Cusco was the capital of the Inca

Empire, the navel of the world where we can visit the Plaza de Armas,

where the statue of the Inca ruler Pachacutec is located, the house Casa

Concha where houses the archaeological pieces, Las Salineras de Maras

where well formations are found small in rainy weather are filled with

salt water that comes from a natural underground spring, the Coricancha

Temple, this place was honors to the god Inti, Saqsaywaman here was
devoted to the study of the stars, Sacred Valley numerous rivers that go

down by small gorges and valleys have excellent conditions for

agriculture, Ollantaytambo religious and agricultural military center, the

market San Pedro and our majestic Macchu Picchu main tourist

destination most visited worldwide. Its climate is relatively fresh and

also changing, its food an exquisite way to discover something more

about the cultures of the people is tasting their stews like puchero, chuño,

pepián de cuy, kapchi, chicharrón with mote, olluco with meat, marinade

, etc. It is carried out in its jubilee month, the Inca tradition, Andean

religious: the IntiRaymi on the 24th of June.

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