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The idea of an “ideal job” is often related to the profession that a person had dreamt of since they were

just children, and are very set on that. Maybe they are not even aware of some difficulties that the
certain job involves, or they are, but they decide not to acknowledge them because their passion and
ambition help them move on to the positive things. An ideal job also refers to the perfect condition for
productive work.

Related to what I’ve said, I have not made up my mind on what my future ideal job might be. This
happened because I take every field and see the pros and cons of each, and I haven’t found a domain
where the pros overtake the cons. But besides this point, the ideal job should always give me
opportunities to improve myself in any way, and it should definitely be something that triggers my
curiosity, because as long as I find something intriguing, it keeps me entertained and focused. But it
should not test my patience, because I tend to be hot-headed sometimes and it only makes me lose my
focus, therefore I cannot accomplish anything.

About the payment, as long as my rewards are in balance with the amount of work I do (in standards
with the payment each job has, of course) I do not mind it. Promotions should be available, so I can find
motivation when I seem to get bored, and vacation days of course. My mind does need time to regain
energy and calm down after a while.

I do not need a private office. As long as it is quiet, and if possible, I am allowed to listen to music, the
place I do my work does not really matter.

To sum everything up, an ideal job for me would have to be rewarding, both financially and psychically,
and let me take a breath and relax every now and then.

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