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Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange was born May 26, 1895 at Hoboken, New jersey. Her parents are

named Joan Lange Nutzhorn, Henry Martin Nutzhorn, and Martin her brother. She graduated

from the Wadleigh High School for girls and she was educated in photography at Columbia

University in New York. Lange’s photographs humanized the consequences of the great

depression and influenced the development of documentary photography. Some important

events in her life are in 1939 she begins working on American exodus book with Paul Taylor and

in 1940 American Exodus is published. In 1943 she is hired by office of war information to

photograph “American Life”. Her main accomplishment was she earned the Guggenheim

Fellowship for Creative arts in the U.S and Canada. A quote she said was “The camera is an

instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera”. This quote connects to me

because she is basically saying the camera opens people’s eyes to the world around them and

to see things differently than others.

Dorothea Lange

1. This picture showers a mom

thinking about what to do
next as her kids stay behind

2. this picture captures people who

packed their stuff up to leave

3. this image captures the people who

are struggling to live.

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