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The Cold War was a state of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union with its satellite

states (the Eastern Bloc), and the United States with its allies (the Western Bloc) after World
War II. A common historiography of the conflict begins with 1946, the year U.S.
diplomat George F. Kennan's "Long Telegram" from Moscow cemented a U.S. foreign
policy of containment of Soviet expansionism threatening strategically vital regions, and ending
between the Revolutions of 1989 and the 1991 collapse of the USSR, which
ended communism in Eastern Europe. The term "cold" is used because there was no large-
scale fighting directly between the two sides, but they each supported major regional wars
known as proxy wars.

the beginning with the end of the Second World War and the beginning of the construction of the
Berlin Wall. The war of korea represents one of the most important moments since it is the only
war that the United States has lost in all history, the Cuban missile crisis at a time of great tension
since the people feared a nuclear war, the assassination of the president kenedy

The fall of the berlin wall that would represent the beginning of the end of this stage
The Cold War began to form after World War II. The disagreements started between 1947-
1951. The world split into two large organizations NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
and the Warsaw pact. Many people believed at that time that a nuclear war would start. The
main tensions were between The Soviet Union (“Russia”) and The United States. Both sides
and their allies were building up their weapons but did not use them. It was a fight between
political systems for power.

Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971)

After Joseph Stalin died Nikita Khrushchev became chief director of the Soviet Union. He was
a strong believer in the communist party, and he became the First Secretary from September
7, 1953 to October 14, 1964. Khrushchev was Premier of the Soviet Union from March 27,
1958 to October 14, 1964. He was born on April 17, 1894 and died on September 11, 1971
when he was 77 years old. He was notorious for his rudeness of interrupting speeches and
removing his shoe to bang it on the podium during debates at the United Nations.

How it started
Capitalists and Communists had been clashing since the Russian revolution but the
disagreements got worse after World War II. Germany had been split up into many parts when
World War II ended. The Soviet Union had the east bit which also had Berlin. The United
States, France, Britain, and The Soviet Union all had a part of Berlin. The Soviet Union wanted
the rest of Berlin and that’s how the Berlin Blockade got started.

The Forming of NATO

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization include twelve nations that have an alliance. These
include The United States and The United Kingdome. NATO was officially formed on April 4,
1949. They all signed the North Atlantic Treaty. After the fall of communism NATO has become
a political force rather than a military force.

The Formation of the Warsaw Pact

Warsaw Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and mutual assistance was formed on May 14,
1955 in Warsaw, Poland. The Warsaw Pact was formed the same year that NATO was
announced and is thought to have been created due to NATO’s formation. There were eight
members of this pact. This pact is ,since 1991, extinct or “nonexistent”.

Bay of Pigs
On April 15, 1961 aircrafts flew over Cuba attempting to wipe out Castro’s air force. It was
supposed to look like it was only Cuban exiles. The attack might have worked if the second
and third air strikes had not been cancelled. The mission was overall unsuccessful.

Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was constructed on August 13, 1961. The wall divided East and West Berlin,
the people on the East were not allowed to leave. Over 125 people were killed attempting to
escape East Berlin.East Berlin was controlled by the Soviet Union and was communist. The
wall stayed up for 28 years until June 13, 1990 when the wall was officially taken down.

Space Race
The Space Race was race between the United States and the Soviet Union to see who could
explore outer space first. When the Soviets launched Sputnik the whole race slowly began.
The Apollo 11 mission by the United States was very successful and was watched by
500million people around the world.

How it Ended
Economic reforms were made by Mikhail Gorbachev when he became head of the Soviet
Union. His new policies were called perestroika. Gorbachev and Reagan worked together to
eliminate nuclear weapons. Demonstration started in East Germany and the Soviet republics
began rebelling.
El término "frío" se usa porque no hubo combates a gran escala directamente entre los dos
bandos, pero ambos apoyaron las principales guerras regionales conocidas como guerras por

En la línea del tiempo se marcan los acontecimientos más importantes de este periodo.
el inicio con el final de la segunda guerra mundial y el comienzo de la construcción del muro de
Berlín. La guerra de korea representa uno de los momentos más importante ya que es la única
guerra que estados unidos ha perdido en toda historia, la crisis de misiles de cuba en un momento
de mucha tensión ya que la gente temía una guerra nuclear, el asesinato del presidente kenedy

La caída del muro de berlin que representaría el inicio del fin de esta etapa

La Guerra Fría comenzó a formarse después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Los desacuerdos
comenzaron entre 1947-1951.

El mundo se dividió en dos grandes organizaciones: la OTAN (Organización del Tratado del
Atlántico Norte) y el pacto de Varsovia. Muchas personas creían en ese momento que comenzaría
una guerra nuclear.

Las principales tensiones se produjeron entre la Unión Soviética ("Rusia") y los Estados Unidos.
Ambos lados y sus aliados estaban construyendo sus armas, pero no las usaban. Fue una lucha
entre los sistemas políticos por el poder.

muro de Berlín

El muro de Berlín se construyó el 13 de agosto de 1961. El muro dividió el este y el oeste de Berlín,
a la gente del este no se le permitió salir. Más de 125 personas murieron intentando escapar de
Berlín Oriental. Berlín Oriental era controlada por la Unión Soviética y era comunista. El muro se
mantuvo en pie durante 28 años hasta el 13 de junio de 1990, cuando el muro fue derribado

Bahía de cochinos

El 15 de abril de 1961 aviones sobrevolaron Cuba intentando eliminar la fuerza aérea de Castro. Se
suponía que debía parecer que solo eran exiliados cubanos. El ataque podría haber funcionado si
el segundo y el tercer ataque aéreo no hubieran sido cancelados. La misión fue en general

Carrera en el espacio

La carrera espacial fue una carrera entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética para ver quién
podía explorar primero el espacio exterior. Cuando los soviéticos lanzaron Sputnik, toda la raza
comenzó lentamente. La misión Apollo 11 realizada por los Estados Unidos tuvo mucho éxito y fue
vista por 500 millones de personas en todo el mundo.

Como terminó

Mikhail Gorbachov realizó reformas económicas cuando se convirtió en jefe de la Unión Soviética.
Sus nuevas políticas fueron llamadas perestroika. Gorbachov y Reagan trabajaron juntos para
eliminar las armas nucleares. La manifestación comenzó en Alemania Oriental y las repúblicas
soviéticas comenzaron a rebelarse.Gente importante

Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971)

Después de la muerte de Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev se convirtió en director principal de la

Unión Soviética. Era un firme creyente en el partido comunista y se convirtió en el primer
secretario desde el 7 de septiembre de 1953 hasta el 14 de octubre de 1964. Khrushchev fue
Primer Ministro de la Unión Soviética del 27 de marzo de 1958 al 14 de octubre de 1964. Nació el
abril 17, 1894 y falleció el 11 de septiembre de 1971 cuando tenía 77 años. Era famoso por su
rudeza al interrumpir los discursos y quitarse el zapato para golpearlo en el podio durante los
debates en las Naciones Unidas.

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