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Colegio latinoamericano del Ejército de Nicaragua

Comandante Hugo Rafael Chávez frías

V Bimester
Activity no - 1
10th grade

Name: ______________________________________Date:_______________

Escribir en asunto act #1

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Modal can +see+present participle.

I- Look at the illustrations and write 8 sentences about you can see. Use this estructure Modal
can +see+present participle.

Ex: I can see a boy running

1. ____________________________________________________________.
2. ____________________________________________________________.
3. ____________________________________________________________.
4. ____________________________________________________________.
5. ____________________________________________________________.
6. ____________________________________________________________.
7. ____________________________________________________________.
8. ____________________________________________________________.
II. Read the rules about will and be going to and solve the exercises bellow.
We use 'will' to talk aboutfuture events.(not planned)  We use'going to' to tell
Examples: actions that are
1.Sally will speak to the teacher tomorrow. 2.We will planned,decided or
possibly take the bus for school. 3.Will you come to arranged
the graduation party tonight? beforehand.
 We use 'will' when we decide to do something.(I think Examples:
I'll.../I don't think I'll) 1.I'm going to visit
Examples: Eiffel tower today.
1.I think I will buy that white sports car. 2.We are going to
2.I don't think she'll come to school today. We use 'will' organize a birthday
when we are offering to do party for Brian.
something,accepting or rejecting to do something 3.Is she going to get married
,promising to do something or requesting someone on Monday or on Tuesday?
to do something. 4.Who is going to attend to
Examples: the meeting this afternoon.
1.Wait a minute! I'll help you carry those bags. 2.A:Can you please
We use 'going to' when
help me with the housework?
we have an evidenceabout
B:OK.I'll vacuum the floor and clean it.
an event in the future.
3.I promise I'll study hard for the final exams. 4.Oh,I'm
so tired.Will you help me with the ironing?
1.Look at that boy in front of
 We use'will' for predictions about the future Examples: the T-shirt shop! He is

1.People will live on another planet in 2030. 2.Robots
counting his money.He is going
will fight against people by the year 2050.
to buy a new T-shirt.
2.Hey,stop! You are going to
We use will with this expressions:
hurt somebody.
Maybe, perhaps, I guess/think/believe/suppose
EX: It will probably rain
1. Hey,that man is crossing the road at the red light. He _________ have an accident.

2. According to the schedule we _________ visit the Madam Tussaud's at 11 o'clock.

3. Peter _________ probably come home late because his car is broken.

4. "Stop or I _________ shoot you" the security guard said.

5. People _________ take food tablets instead of real food in 2040.

6. "You ________ get some good news at the office this week" the fortune teller said to me.

7. I promise I _________ bring your money in five days.Can you lend me 100 $?

8. Fiona _________ buy an mp3 player for her brother.She saved enough money.

9. I've got a ticket for the rock concert. I________be there tonight.
10. In my opinion he _________ accept this offer.

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