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Use HR terms to fill in the sentences and complete the word box. The brackets indicate the number of letters for each
missing word. The first letter of each word is already given.

1. After reviewing about 50 applications, we made a preliminary ...(9)... of 7 people we wanted to interview.
2. Mrs Simpson is responsible for the ...(9)... of new company staff.
3. Managers are responsible for evaluating the ...(11)... of their subordinates.
4. The company's ...(8)... levels are very high. They take in about 30 new workers every year.
5. We prefer candidates who have done at least one ...(11)... during university.
6. The manager met Jennifer for an ...(9)... to discuss the quality of her work.
7. The Christmas bonus is a big ...(9)... for the sales force to exceed their targets.
8. He goes through the ...(10, 3)... in the paper every day hoping to find an interesting job.
9. John must first pass a ...(12)... period of 3 months before he can sign a permanent contract.
10. We found our new chief executive through a ...(11)... firm.
11. The first ...(9)... of the candidates who apply for the call centre operator job is done by telephone, to check whether they
have a pleasant voice.
12. My boss is giving me some new responsibilities, which aren't actually in the ...(3, 11)... .
13. It isn't very clear to me from the ...(6, 13)... what kind of studies you require for this job.
14. The company is suffering from a lack of trained ...(8)... and there aren't many available workers in this field on the market.
15. There were over 100 ...(10)... for that job, but only a handful were called for an interview.
16. The people who work for a company represent its ...(9)..., but be careful how you spell that word.
17. Claire has a proven ...(5, 6)... in selling advertising. Her achievements so far are truly remarkable.
18. I get on very well with my new ...(10)... , who are all friendly and supportive.
19. He works with several translation agencies as a ...(10)... and it suits him quite well because he can work from home.
20. I can't wait to see the results of the ...(12, 5)... . I hope I haven't made a fool of myself.
21. The only ...(6, 8)... they have ever given are luncheon vouchers but the salary is motivating enough.
22. We need to fill in this ...(7)... as soon as possible. I'm afraid we are going to mess up the accounts if we don't find
somebody qualified quickly.
23. His background recommends him for a ...(5-6)... job. I don't think he can handle physical work.

1 S H
2 I U
3 P M
4 S A
5 T N
6 A R
7 I E
8 C S A
9 P O
10 H U
11 S R
12 J D C
13 P S E
14 M
15 A A
16 P N
17 T A R
18 C G
19 F E
20 P M T
21 F E B
22 V N
23 W T C

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