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IP Address are Divided into 5 Class

-[Class A: 0-127], [B: 128-191], [C: 192-223]

-[Class A: N.H.H.H,10.x.x.x], [B: N.N.H.H,172.10.x.x], [C: N.N.N.H,192.168.1.x]
Note: N=Network:Set of Device, H=Host:a specific Device in the Network

Number of host Address in each Class

+[Class A: 1111111.00000000.00000000.00000000, N=8, Host Bits=24 2*8=256 ]
+[Class B: 1111111.11111111.00000000.00000000, N=16,Host Bits=16 2*16=65536]
+[Class C: 1111111.11111111.11111111.00000000, N=24,Host Bits=8 2*8=256]

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