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Sfl(tlort 2·1

!H. tet a and bdeootea partsbm-eand below tJt.especificatio n. resp;x:ti\'ely.

S = {

2-;J. tet adenoteanacoeptable pD\\'et s-.:.pply.

tet/. m.andcdenotea powers.:pply OOss functioMI, minot, or oosmeticcrror. respccth\'!ly.
S= {a.f,m.c}

2·5-· tet y aodndenotea website ti'.at oontainssnddoes not contain banner ads.
n.e sample space is the set of a lI possible SO!QUences ofy and n of lengtlt :l4. An o:ampJe o-.:.tcome in t~.e sample spaoe isS = {yyJmynm•mtynynrumyynnyy}.

2·7. Sis the sample spaceofloo possible two d ig it integ6S.

2·11. S = {l.O,l.l,l.2,...14.0}

2·lj.. S = {0,1.2 •....) in milliseoonds.


, 2 3 •I ~ 8

2·17. Lct caodbdeooteoonoect and bu;;y, respecthl!ly. Th.e:nS = {c. be. bbc.bbbc. bbbbc. .. .).




1~1. .a) l.ct S = tlt.i! oonncg.athoe integers from o to tf!.e largest integer that can bedispl a~'ed by tlti'sca!e.
l.d X deootet he wcight.
.4 is tltet'\l:nt that X> u Sis thef!\"Cnt tf!.at X s 15 C is thef!\"Cnt tf!.at8 s X <12
S = ~O.l , :1..3... .)
b) s
<:) n<X~l50rh:i,l3.14,l5~
d ) Xs uor~O.l,!!,. .•, ll}

e) S

f) .4. VCoontain; values ofX thst: X ;e 8

Ttms(.4 UC)' contains th.evalu.esofX sll:Ch t~.s t: X< 8or ~0 . 1 . !!, .... 7~

g) "
h) 8' oontains tf!.e\'alu.esofX sn.<:hthat X> 1.;. n.erefore. 8' (')Cis t.Jt.e emptyset. n.ey ha\oe oooutoomes inoom.monor fl.
i) 8 rtCis the C\~t 8 s X <12. Tlterefore,.4. U (B(')C) is thct'\'t'llt X~ 8or {8. 9, 10 ....}

2·:!j. ldd .and odcoote a distorted bit and one that is oot distortcd(odeootesokay). resp.."-cth"C!y.

S= dddo, dodo)oddo)oodo)
ddoo, dooo, odoo, oooo

b) No, for V(am pl eA.1(\~ = {dddd.dddo,ddOO.,ddoo}

c) A,=

d) ..t;= odod,oood,

e) A1(\4.21'\"*ll'\"4 = {dddd)
0 '41!"\4>)U'43'"""') = ldddd.dcdd.dddo.oddd.ddod.oodd.ddooi

2·::!..5· ld Pand N denote posith~.and ncg.ati\'e, res)X\.'1hdy.

Tf!.esample spaoe is {PPP, PP!'l, Pfo.' P. NPP, PNN,:\'Pfo,' ,NNP,NNN).
(a) A= lPPPI
(b) 8 = {N]I.I]I.'}
{<:) .lt r.B =~

{d) .4 UB = {PPP.NNN}

:!·!!]. .a) A'r.B'=lO,B=l0,.4UB =92




• G
., •
' 0

2·29. .a) A'= {X I X" 7~-5)

b) B'=<x l xss~.s)

<:) A()B:{x (.;.:l,s <X< 7-2-.S}

d ) AUB=~X ~ X >O~

~-.Jl . l.etgdeoote.a good board, rna board with miootdefects. .andj .a board with major defects.
a) S= { .g},Jm.JJ>

b) S=(,
2-·.'}3. a)

batch 2

b,jch 1


bodch 2




betcll 2


botch 1



~-!).5. From fl!.e multiplication rule. th.eanswer is .;x3x4x~ = 120.

~-!)7. From fl!.emultiplicationrulc,3x4x-'x4 = 144.

2·!)9. From the multiplication ruleancif:qU;Stion ~-!. fl!.eanswer is 5!5! = 14400.

14 0 140 1
2-4l. a) Ftomtqt;:ation2-4. th-enumherofs.ample.sofs.i7.efive is[ ]= = 41696 5528
5 5!1 35 !

b) Tht:rea.rt'lO '<NI)'Sofselectingoneooooonformingc~.ipandth;erearc [I 4
]= IJO! = ) 1358880 ''<I)'S ofselecting four
4 !126 !

oonfonnir.gchips. T~.<refore. tt"'numberolsamplts thatoontaincxactlyone nonoonfonnir.gchipis I 0 x[:30] = I I 3 588800.

c) n~ numberofsamplesthatoontainat leastone oonoonformir.gchip is tit<! total number ofsamples [ ~40Jminus tt~ numberofsamplts
tt~toontainno nonoonfonnir.gchips [ 130].Thatis [140 ] - [1 30) = 14 0! - 130!
!1 13072 1752.
5 5 5 5 113 5 1 5 25 1

a) - - = 2 lsequDOESarcpos.slble.
2 !5 !
b) - - -· - - = 2520sequell<:<Sarepossible.
I !I! I !I !I !2!
c) 6! = 720 seqneooesar.: possible.
1-45. a) from t.r.e multiplication rule,10 = 1000 prftixe:sare possible.
b) From tr.e multiplication rule.8x:tx10 = 160 are possible.
c) E'l:ryarrangement ofthree:digjtsselected from fl!.e tO d ig its results ina pos.slbJe:-prdix.
10 I0!
P1 = - = 720prefixesarepossible.

i--47· a) TltetotaJ nu.mberofssmplcs pcliSSible is

24) = 24! = I0,626.n.e Ol!mberofssmplcs iowltichexactlyonetankhas high
[4 4!201

6][18] 6 !
-X -18!
[I J 1!5! 3!15!
=- -= 4 896.Therefore:, theprobabilitris
4896 = 0 .46 1

b) Thenumberofsamplesthatoootainootank \vithhig.hvisoosityis ['

8] = IS! 3060.n.erefore. thereque:stcdprobabiJityis
4 4!1 4!
I - 3060 0.712.
6 4 4 6 4 41
c) Tt.enumberofsamples that mect the"'lwrcment.s ;s [ ][ ][' ] = _ _! x - _! X.,..:-!:.:_ 2 18 4 . Therefore. t~.eprobabilityis
I I 2 1!5! 1!3! 2!12!
2184 = 0.206.

~= 0.0082

::!·.:;j.. a) A.r.B=t70 + 443""fl0=67j.

b) .4' = ::!8 + j.6::}'"- .109""9$3- 39= 167~
c) AVB= 168.5 ""3733 ... 140$"" 2 '"-14 <>- ::!9 +46 - .l= 691.5
d) AVB' = 1685 "{28- 0)- 37~" {36;) -14) " {309- 09) " 1403 • (9~- 46)" (39- 3) = 8$9¢

e) A' r'IB' = ~8 -1 ~ 363- 14 ... .306-19 • 933-46'"" 39-3 = 1578

::!·.5.5· a) P(A) = 04
b) P(8) = 08
c) P\K)=0.6
d) P(AVB)= t
e) P(.-\r'l 8) = 0:2

2·57· a) l/U)
b) .5/10

::!·59· a) s = {1, ::!, 7.8)

b) 1/8
c) 6/8

::!~1 . Thesamplesp<~ceis{O, ,.. 2., <>- $ .a:nd'"" 4).

(a) Thef:\'t'llt t~.a t a cell has at Jeastoneofthe positive: nickel charged o ption; is {- !!., • j .and"" 4}. Tf!.e probabilityisOj.S • OS3 • 0.15 =
{b) The:t'\oen1 that a cell is oot composedofa positivt nickel charge greater t.l>.an ... 3 is <o. <>- 2-.a:nd .-. 3). Tile probabilityis0.17 .-. 0.35 ... 0.3;3
= 0.8.:;.

2~.3. jdig its bctwreno and9.sothe probabiJityofsnyt llree numbers is 1j(lo•lo•1o). 3. ~

3lettersA the probabilityof aoytbroe numbers is t/(~6·2.6.::!6). Tlte: prob:lbilityyour lioens.e plate is tlt..eo{J/10 )•(l/ ::!6 ) = 5.7 x 10

1~5. (3) Th.enumberofpossibleo:periments is4 .11. 4 x 3 • 4 x 3 x 3 =52

{b) There are ,36 o:perimeots that use a ll three st eps. Tlte probabilitytlt.e best NSn!t uses aJI three steps is j6/52. = OJ>!)ij.
(c) No. it will oot change:. Withkamo u.nts io tlte firststeptt.enumberofo:pctiments isk + jk 4 9k = 1jk. Tt:.e number ofexperiments thst
oomplcteaJI three s teps i s'!).~ out ofljk. Tlte probabilityis9/ l.3 = Ofl9::!j.

1~. a) P{A) = 30/U)O = O.jO

b) P(B) =n/ !OO=O.n
c) P(..-\') = 1- o:;o = 0 .70
d ) P{..-\r'l 8) = 12./100 = O.i-2
e) P(AV8)=85/t00 =0.85
o ft"-·v B) =92-/ 100 = 0 .92
1~. a) Because ~:and E' a remuru.allyo:clushl.'f:\'f:ntssod EVE'= S
t = P(S) = P(E V &') = P(E) • P(E'). TJ..crcfor<. P(f:) = t - P(8)
b) Bo::.auscSand 0 .sre mutuaUyexcll!.'Sht: C\~ \\itbS = S V0
P(S) = P(S) • 1'(0). Tlt<rcfore. 1'(0) = o
c) Now. 8 = AV(A'(') B)andU..eC\oentsAaod:A' r. Bare mutu:aJiyexch:sive. Tbetefore, P(8) = P(A)- P(A'r'l 8 ). Bec:.<luse P(A' r. 8) ~ 0.
P(B), P(A).

2·71.5 TotaJ number of pnssibletks.igns is9QO. Thessmplespaoeofa ll pnssibletks.igns t.hst may besrenoo fhoe visits. This space contains
900 o utcomes..

Tt.e. number o(outcome.; iowllic:hall fhoe\isitsaredifferent esn be obtained as follo\.,.'S. Ootlte first \ anyone of900 designs m3)' be seen. On t.lte second
\isit there are 89-') remaining design~. On th~ third visit tllere are 898 remaining design.<:. On the fourth and fifth \isits there are 897 ar.d 81)6 remaining
n'esigns. respecti\'cly. From the multiplication rute. the number of outcomes ~·here all designs are d ifferent is qoo•8t)q•8t)a•SQ7•8q6. Therefore. tlt. e
probability that a design is oot seen again is
:!·73· a) F(Af""'B) =(l70+443""60)/849'J=0.0791
bl PIA'l = <'s- 363-309 ~ m •39l/8493 = ,rm/8493 = 0.1969
c) P(A U 8) = (l685·•<}733""l403•2•l4+:!9+46 ...j)/849j = {>915/8493 = 0.814:!
d) P(AU B') = (168; •1•8- ;) • 3733 ~ (363- 14)-{309- '9)- 1403 ~ (9j$ - 46) ~ 139- 3))/8493 = 8399/8493 = 0.9889
e) P{A' f""'8') = (:!8- 2 • 363-14 • j06- 29 • m- 46 + 39- 3V&93 = 1578,/8<$9;3 = !U858

:!-?.;. a) P(A U8\..JC) = P(A)"" P(B)- F(C). booausethe~tsarcmnrual lye:xclmi\'o:. Tl:erefore,

P(A U8'JC) = O.:l - 0~ •04 = 0:~
b) P{ANI"\C)=O.becoUS<ANI"\C= 0
c) P{AN)=O ,brea.,..AN= 0
d) P{{A UB)I"\C) = o. bec3US<~4 UB)I"\C = { .41"\C)U{BI"\C) = 0
c) P(.4'U8'\JC' )= 1-l P(A)• P(B).o. F(C))= l- (0 .~ •0~•04)=0 .1

-1·77· a) 70/JOO = 0.70

b) (7~ ... 86-70)/100 = 0 .95
c) 1\o, P(Af""'8) H)

345 +5+ 12 362

370 370
345 +5+8 358
370 370

d) 345/370

:l-81. s) F(unsstisfactory)= {S + 10- !1)/ljO = 13/1.30

b) P(bGthcriteria sstisfactory) = ll7/ l30 = 0 .91), No

:l-Sj. RA) = n~/204 = 0-54~. P{B) = 9'J/W4 = 04.510, f't.>\ f""'8) = (40• 16)j:l04 = 0 .2745
a) fttt U8) =it'\).._ f\:8) -llA f"'\8) = 0-5490 • 04510 -0.-1745 = 0 .7~
b) lt4f18') = {1~ • 44)/204 = O.:l745and/t-1 U8') = f(.4) • ~')- /t-1 f""'B') = 0..:;4~ • {l- 04510)- 0 .2745 = 0.82:).5
c) 1\:.4' U8') = 1 - f\:-4. f"'\8) = 1 -0.2745 = 0 .7255

:l-8.5. P(A) = 43:29/2:225:!= 0 .1945. P(B) = 953/:!:225:!= 0 .04:!8, P(Af""'B) = it$.1/ :!M.S.:l = 0 .0109,
P{A() B') = {984~3103)/"'5' = 0.1837

a) 1'(,.\ U 8) = P(A) • P(B)- P(Af""'B) = 0 .1945 • 0.0428-0.0109 = 0 .22(>4

b) P{AU 8') = P{A) ~ P{B')- P{A() 8') = 0.1945 ~ (l-0.0 428)- 0.1837 = 0.9680
c) f'(A' U 8') = 1- P(Af""'B) = 1-0.0109 = 0 .9891

:l.-87. a) F(A) = 86/100

b) P{B) = 79/100

c) P( A IB) = P(AnB) = 70/ 100 = 70

P(B) 79 / 100 79

d) P( BIA ) = P(An B) = 70/ 100 = 70

P(A) 861100 86

:l.·Bi). let A deoote theC'X!Ot tf!.Ata leafoomplet...s theoolor transformation and Jet 8 denote t.heeo.oe:nt IJ!At a leafoompletl'.i the te:xt~:-raJ
transformation. The total number ofo:periments is :;oo.

() P( B IA) - P(An B) _ 243/300 0.903

a - P( A) - (243+26) / 300

(b) P(A iB') = P( An B') = 26/300 = 0.591

P( B') (18+26)/300

:l-<)l. a) l~/lOO b) 1'J.j 'J.8 c) 34/l2:l

:l-9$. lrtA denote tlt-ceo.oent that a d olys is is high and let 8 deootet.heeo.l!nt that pntrefactinn is high. TJt.etotal number of experiments is 100.

(a) P(B' IA) = P(An B') = 18/ 100 = 0.5 625

P(A) (14+18)/ 100

(b) P( AIB) = P(An B) = 14/ 100 O. l918

. P( B) ( 14+59) / 100

(c) P(A' IB') = P(A'n B') 9/ 100 0.333

P(B') (18+9)/ 100

1-95. a) 20/ 100

b) 19/99
c) {;0/100X19/99) = 0.038
d) tftl:.echips were replaced. tl:.e probabi!ity\~·ollld be( 20/l00 ) = 0 .-1.

2-97. a) P= {8- l)/(3s0-l)=O.OW

b) p = (8/:}.50) )( 1{8- l)/{:}.50 - lll = 0 .000458
C) P={34ljj;O) X ({341- 1)/{3;0- 1)) = 0 .9547
P(An B) P(B)
Nn,;f8 C A.then P(AIB)= =--=I
P(B) P(B)

P(An B) (40+ 16)1204 56

2-10 I. a) P(A!B)- - = 0.6087
- P(B) - (40+ 16+36)1204 92

P(A' IB) = P(An B) 36 / 204 36

b) = 0.3913
P(B) ( 40+ 16+ 36)1204 92

P( A IB') = P(A n B') 56/204 56

c) = - = 0.5
P(B') (12+44+56)1204 11 2

P(An B) (40+ 16)1204 40 + 16

d) P( B! 4) = = = 0.5
. P(A) (40+ 12+ 16 + 44)/ 204 11 2

.) P(An B) (170 + 443 +60)8493 673

~-103. •l P (B I A = P(A) = 0.0987
(168 5+ 3733+ 1403) / 8493 682 1
Also f.l!.e pmbsbilityoffailure to r ft\ver th:an 1000 wells is

, P(B n A'l (2+ 14+29 +46+ 3)18493

P(B !A )- - .,..--->-- - - -'---:-- ~ = 0.0562
- P(B') - (28 + 363 +309+933 +39) / 8493 1672
Lct Cdeoote t.J!.ee\'f:Ot fC\~·er thansoo wells a re present.
(2+ 14+29+46+ 3)18493
P(B!C) = P(An C) ~ = 0.0650
P(C) (28 + 363 + 309 + 39)18493 739

:!·105. a) pt.>\(') 8) = P(.1 8)P{B)"' { 0 4 XO,s) = o.~o

b) P(A'("' 8) = 1'(.<18)1'(8) = (0.6Xo.;) = OJO

1·107. Fd.enote theewmt tJ!.at .:~connector fa ilsand" let W d.eootetlt.-e:C\'tnt theta connector is ,,·et.

P(F) = P(f~V)P(IV)• P(+ V')P(IV')

= ( o .osXO.lO )+{O.O!X0.91)) = O.i'Jl4

~H09. let Rdeoote tlte~ tJ!.sta product exhibits surface rouglmess. Let N,A.and Wdeoote ft,t:f!\"ents that tt.e. blades are new,a\"l'f"ilge.aOO
worn. re.specthoely. Tt~D.
P(R) = P(R(N)P(N)" P(R(A)P{A) • P(R(W)P(\V)
={O.OlX0.2_;) • (0 .03)(6.60) + ( o .o.;XI'US)

~-m . a) (0.8SXO.:l7 ) = 0 .~6

b) {0 .1:lXO.lj+0.,;2) = 0.0.078

~-llj. tet A and 8 deootethcf:\'t'llt t~.a t the first andseonod part selected P.asexoessh'l'shrinkage. respecth'Ciy.

a) 1'(8) = P( 4• )P(A)+ P( 4• 11'(.<')

= {4/~Xs/2.5) ~ {.;/~)(20/2,5) = 0 .21)
b) {.et Cdeootetf!.ef:\'Cnt t~.s t the third paM selected has l".l(OCSSi\'es.hrinkage.

P(C) = P(CIAn B)P(AnB) +P(CIAnB')P(An B')

+P<CIA'n B)P(A'n B) + P(CIA'n B')P(A'n B')

3 [4][5) 4[20 ][5) 4[5][ 20]5[19]( 20 ]

= 23 24 25 + 23 24 25 + 23 24 25 + 23 24 25
= 0.20


success fajlure st~mp&e size St~mple percentnge, conditiont~J
suceess rnt&
large stone 192 71 263 75% 73%
small stone 81 6 87 25% 93%
overnJI summary 273 77 350 100% 78%

success fDilure sampfe size Silmple pe.rcenta~ conditional succes.s rate
large stone 55 25 so 23% 69%
small stone 234 36 270 77% 83%
overall summary 289 61 350 100% 83%

Tt.e.overaJI suocess rntedependson tJt.e snooess rates for each stone size group. but also the probabilityoftf!.egroups. {tis tf!.e weig.htedaverageoft!u:
groupsuocess rt~tewcighted bythegroupsizeas follov.'S
P{O\wall snoctSS) = P(s"llOCeSSI l argestone)~l arge stone)) .a. P(s-uooe:ssj small stone)P(s:mall stone).
For open surgery, the dominant group (large stone) has a smaller ratewhile for PN, the dominant group{small stone) h:asa larger rate.
:H17. P(A) = 43:2:~/2-i:!.S2 = 0.1945. P(8) = 953/2-i:!.S2 = 0.0428
a ) P(Afl 8) = P{,.-\ j 8)P(8) = (l42/953X9.;j./21-2.52) = 0 .0109
b) P(AU 8) = P(A) ~ P(8) - P(Afl 8) = 0 .1945 ~ 0.0428-0.0109 = 0.2264
c) F(A'U 8' ) = 1- P(Afl 8) = 1-0.0109 = 0.9891
d) P(..-\) = P(A I B)P(B) ~ F(A I B')P(8') ={242/953X953/2:22-S2) - (408]/1l29'JX2l:!'!)9/22'2.;2) = 0.1945

:1.-u9. P(A) = (168.; • 373;1-140.3)/8493 = o.SO~p. P(8) = h70 • 2 ~ « l - 14- 29 ~ 60 • 46- 3)/8493 = 0.0903
a ) P(Ar'l 8) = 1'(8 1A)f'( A) = (67j/6821X68;>/8493l = 0.0,92
b) P(AU 8) = P{,.-\) ~ P{8) - P(Afl 8) = 0 .80,'p ~ 0 .0903- 0 .07'1)2 = 0.8142
c) P(A'U 8') = 1- P(:\ fl 8) = 1-0.0792 = 0:0208

dl P!Al = P!A I 8JP(8l • P!A 18')1'(8') = (673/767X767/B493l • (6>48/77,6Xm6/8493J = 0.803>

2-121. Rdeoote red oolor and Fdenote that tlte font sit.(' is oot the smallest. Tlti!n P(R) = t/4. P(F) = 4/.;. Becatse tr.e Websitesa.regtt'IE:Nited
randomJy tltese t\l!llts are iodepeodent.
Therefore, P(R() F) = P(R)P(f) = b/4)(4/Sl = 0 .2

2 ·1~. P{,.-\' ) = l - P(A) = 0 .7 and I'( A" 8) = 1- F(A 18) = O.i

2-12..5. a) ~ I A) =4/499and

/VI) = ~JM) . ~··)It,')

= 14 / 4')9)(; I soo)•(s I 499X49S I soo)
Therefore. A a 00 8 are ne! i~odent.
b) .4aod8areindqx:nd.cnt.

:!·12?. a) P(Afl 8 )= 22/100, P(A) = j0/100, P(8) = 77/100, n.-en P(Afl 8 ) $ P(A)P(B), tr..ttt:fore.Aand Bare oot independent.
b) P(8)A) = P(A() 8)1P(A) = (:>'I>OO )If30I>OO ) = 0 .733

:H:l9. {tis useful to work oncoftheseo:erciscswitheare to illustratetf!.e l a\~"'Sof probabiJity. {.et Hi deoote tl:-ee\'ent t hat t~.e ith:s.amp!e
oontaim l>~gh J e-.~sof~nta~inati ~n.
. a) P(H1 () H2 0 ~ () H4 () H5 ) = P(H1 )P(fl, )P(~ )P(H4 )P(H5 )
. . .
by lrxiepeodeoce.Also,JV/i) = 0:9..Thetdore. ti'IA'!answcr LS0.9 = 0-59
, b) A, =(H,r'lfla()~()H4r'lH;l
A; =(H1f'\H,r'lH3 nH4 nH5,)
Aj = (H11"\ H21"\ Hjr'l ~ () H5.)
A4 =<H,nH,n~nH4nH5 l
A.;= (H1 fl H2 fl ~(I H4 fl H )
Thclcqucsttd probability is tr.e probabilit;'oft.Jt.e u.nionA1U A 2U ~U A4U A.; aDd fl..ese~'ellts a re mnttallyo:clush'f:.Aiso. by-independence P(.-\j) =
0.9 (0.1) = 0 .0656. n.erefore. tf!.earuv.·er 1s .;(o.o6.;6) = Oj:28.
c) U:t 8 deoote tf.eel.'ent nosam_p!eoontains high !e-.'clsofcontamination. TJ!..e l'«!.l+'('St ed _probability is P(8') = 1 • P(8). From (a),
P(B') = 1 -0-59 = 041.

~Hjl . (a) l£t I and(; deootean infest edaOOgood sample. There are 3 ways to obtain font oonsealtivt .s.amplessh.o\rillg. t!u:s.ig,nsohft.e
infesta~on:J lliGG. GJlllG. GGill l . T"'-~ore. the probability is
jx{0.2 0 .8 ) = 0 .00:}0?2.
{b) Tlt.cre are 10 h·ayst oobtainthreeout of four oonst<:llti\ttsamp!esshov,.;ng tlt.esig,nsofinfesta tion. The probability is 10x(0.23 • o.s3) =
0 .0409(>.

:Hjj. (a )T~.e -proba hi !ity that one teclmician obtains equivsJcoce ~t 100 ml. is o .1.
So tlte probability-that both techni cia~obta in f:<!.nivsJmcea t 100 mLisO.l = 0.01.
(b) The probabilitytl!.at ooeteclmicianobtains oqui\'aleoct b.."t\\o'OOJ,Saod l04 mLis 0.71
So tl.e probabilitytltat both technicians obtain cquiW~J eoce betv.·een 98 and 104 mLis0.7 = 049.

(c) The probability-that the a\'el''llgc\'Oiume at equh-a!eooe from tr.e technician is 100 mLis9(0.l ) = 0.09.

:l·l$.5. Ad-eoote tit~~ a sample is ptoduoed ineavityoneoftr..e mold.

s) 8yb><!cpcndenoe. P(..,n •.,nA3 r'lA4r'lA5 ) = = 0.0000$.

b) Sj be tlt-c~oent that a U fh'f:sa.mplcsarcprodooed inc,nity i. lkca.use tlte s ·sare m~tusl!y('XclllSh'f:. P{81U 8:1U ... U 8g) = P(81) ~

r. r
1'(8,)• ... • P(8g).

From pan a .. 1'(8; )=[! Tlrer<fore. tllcanswcds8[! = 0.00024.

c) 8yiodcpcodence. P(A I n A2 n A3 n A, n A~)= [!r[~ln. oumhcrnh«t"""""' in wnich fouroutof6-. .. mplesar<from

"''ityoneiss. Trmtbre, tllcanswcr is s[~ ~nl = 0.00 I 07

2·139· P(A) = ~~9/:1:2252 = O.t()tt.;. P{B) = 953/:1:22.;2 = 0.0428. P(Afl 8) = :142/2::!.2.;2 = 0 .0109
Because P(A)•P(8) = {0.1945X0.0428) = 0.0083 '* 0.0109 = P(Afl 8),Aand Bare oot iodepcndmt.

l ·>4>. P!Al = f3's"3"s l/14TSTSl = 0.2;, 1'(8) = I4T4"3"5li(4"$'5'3"Sl = o.S,

P!An 8J = f3"4"3"sll(<"3"s"3"sl = o .2 P{.-\)•P(8) ={0.2..;X0.8) = 0 .2 = P(.:\ fl 8).Aaoci Bareinckpendent.

section 2-1

P(BiA ) = P( AiB )P(B) P(AiB )P(B )

P(A) P(AIB )P(B) + P(AIB' )P(B')
= _----=.
x ..:.c
o·cs:.__ = 0.s9
0.4 x0.8 + 0.2x0.2

2-145. (a) P = {o~pX0 .9]8) ~ (0.27)(0.981) ... {0.21X0.96.;)- {0.13X0:992) ... {o.o8X0.959) = 0.9Jf)j8

(b) P = (0.2 1)(0.965) 0.207552

i ·l47·tet 0 deootea product that reoci\'eda good tt'\i ev.·.l.ct H. M.a:nd Pd.eoote products tl!..<tt wtre high. mod.."'NNte.a:nd poor perfonners,
a) /{G)= i{G!H )JVI)-/{G I Mll~,\0- IWI ~Pl
.. 0 ·9.5{0 40}• 0 .60(0 .3.5 )"-0 .10(0 ·'1.5)
.: (1.-61.5
b) UsingtlteNSult from parta.,
P( HiG ) = P( GIH ) P(H) 0.95(0.40) = 0_6 18
P(G) 0.615

C) P( HIG' ) = P( G'I H) P(H) = 0.05(0.40) 0.052

P(G) 1- 0.6 15
~-149. lkootus follows: S =signal. 0 =organic pollntsots. V = \-olati!esohmts. C = chlorim tedoompou.Dtti.
a ) P{S) = P{S!O)P{O)- P{S!V)P{V) + P{S!C)P{C) = 0 .997{0.M)- o .m;(O.'J) • 0.8')7(0.1:\) = 0 .9847

b) P<CjS) = P{SjC)P{C)fP{S) = ( O.il97X0.1J)/0.9847 = O.llS.,

!H.51. tet Ldeoote thet'\l!rlt a per:son is !.WBS.

l.d A deooteihe t'\'eot t~a~ t a person visit; Hospital 1. 8&mote that a per.soo\isits Hospital i.
tet Cdenote tf!.et!\'ent that a person,isits Hospitil3. 0 denote th:ata person,isits Hospital4.

P( DiL) - P(LiD)P( D)
- P(Li A)P(A)+ P(LI B)P(B)+ P(Li C)P(C)+ P(LI D)P(D)
. 0~
co.o368)(0.2378J +co.oJ 86xo.J 142J + (0.0436)(0.2535> + co.o559)(o. 1945)
= 0.2540

'2-·l.)j. Oeoot eas follov.--s: A= affiliat esite.S =search s ite, 8 =blue. G =green.

p SiB = P( BiS)P(S)
( ) P(BIS)P(S) +P(BIA)P( A)
( 0=-'.4"'
= -:-:--:-:-:" )(.::0.:'-'7):-:-:--=-
(0.4)(0.7) + (0.8)(0.3)
= 0.5

Suetplemefltal ExertGeS

2-·1.5.5· U:t B deootet.he~tth.ata glass breaks. l.dmotet.Jt.e event that large p.!lckaging is used.
P{B) = P(Bji.)P{l.) + P{Bji:)P{t:)
.. 0 .0!(0.60) ... 0.02{040) = 0.014

!H57. letA = o:cel!cnt su.rfilttfinish; 8 = o:cel!cnt l ength.

a) P(A) = 8i/lOO = O.B.i
b) P(B)= 90/100 = 0 .90
c) P(A")=l -0.82=o.l8
d ) P(A() B)= 80/100 = 0.80

i!) P(A v 8) = ~ .9::!:

0 P(A.UB)=0.9Jl

.i·l.S9· I f A,B,Care'-'!. t.Jt.en P{ AV 8 V C) = P(A) ... P{B)- P(C) = Oj +!14 - !1..; = l .i. wh.ichgreater t.hanl. Therefore. P{A).
P(B).and P(C)ca.nnot «tnaJ tlt.egi\l!OvaJ!les.

'2-·l6l. {a) P(th.~ first one selected is not ionized)= 2.0/lOO = 0 .::!:
(b) P(tt.eseoond is oot ioniz.edghl!n the first one\\-as. ionized)= .iOf<» = 0 .2.0:!
(c) P(bothareionit.ed)
= P(th.~ first one selected i s i onized) x P(th.o:sooond is iooiudg.h'f!fl the first ooe.was i onized)
= (80 /100))( {79/99) .. ().(~8
{d) l f ssmpless.elected "'·ere replacOO prior to t lw: nv:t selection,
P(theseooOO i.s not i oniud gh 'i:ntlte first one was ioniud) = 'i0/ 100 = 0.2.
n.e C\oentoftft..i! first selection and ibe t'\'ttlt oftl'.e .secood selection a re indepmdent.
'2-·l6,l. a) P(..-\) = 0.!13
b) P(A.) = 0.97

c) P{BIA) =040
d) P(B!A.) = i).O_;
e) I'{ A () B)= I'{ B!A )P(A) = (040XO.OJ) = 0.012
0 I'{ A() B .)= I'{ B' lA )P{A) = (0.60XO.OJ) = 0 .018
g ) P(B) = P( B!A )P(A) • P( BfA .)P(A.) = (040X0.03) +(O.O;X0.97) = 0.0(>05

2.-16..;. {a) P= 1--{1-0.002.) = 0 .18143
l 2
(b) P=0 (0.998 )0.002 = 0 .005976
100 10
{c) P= 1-l(l-c).i)O:l) I = il.86494

, , ~H67. Ai denote thee-vent that t.J!f ith readback issltOO!'.SSful. Byiode-pend..."'llle,
P(Al 1""'1A:!1"1Aj) = P~ltl )P(A2)PfA_:J) = (0.02) = 0.000008.

2.-169. (a) .4• 1"18 =so


(c) .4UB =93

~H7t . l£t Dj &note the~t that the prima mode i.s type i and let A &oote tf!.et'\..-:nt that a board passes the tes.t. The sample space isS
= M.,A.· 0 1• .4.' D2.if D ,A' D4.•4' D ) .
3 5
i ·173· -a) P(A) =-l9/l00 = 0 .19
b) P(Af"' 8) =.15/100 = 0 .15

c) P(AV8) ={19 .... 9-5-l5)/UlU=U.'!}-)

d ) P(A' 1"1 8) = SO/JOO = 0.80
e) P(AfB) = P(A() 8)/P{B) = 0 .158
::!.·175· a) No. P<E1(') F-2(') Ej,) :\ o.
b) No,E.1' (') E.::!.'isooHJ.

c) P(f>1'U E,' U E:)'l = P{f>J')" P(E, ') " P!E:)'l- P(f>!' () E, ') • P(E1' () 8:)~ • P(E,' () E:)'l" P(E1' () E,' () E:)'l = 40/ :140
d) P(E1r'\ E,r'\ f~) = 200/ :140
e) P(F.1U Ejl = P(E1) - P(F-3)- P(E1r'\ f-3) = :134/ :140
0 P(E1U E,U E,jl = 1- P(E1' () E,'() ~') = 1-0 = 1

::!.·177. tet Ai denote tf:.CE'\l:llt t".at tlt~ ith: bolt selected is oot torqnOO. to t.Jt.e proper limit.
a) TJt.en,

P(A 1n A 2n A3 n A4 ) = P(A4 !A1 nA 2 IIA 3)P(A 1 IIA2 11 A)

= P(A4 !A1 nA 2 nA 3)P(A3 ~< 1 n A2 )P(A2 !A1 )P(A 1)

~ ~
= [: ][: ][:: ][ l
~~ = 0.282.
b) tet 8 denote the~t that at least oneoftltesclt\":ted bolts are oot properlytof"<ll+'ed. Tft.liS, 8' is t.Jt.eE'\'E'nt that aJI bolts are properly
torqued. Then,

(9 lS )7
P(B) = I - P(B') = I- [ 15)[14][13][1 2] = 0. ,d 8.
~!-!79. A1 = bytelephooe,A2 =website: P(Al) = 0.9::!. P(A2) = 0.9.;:
Byindt'prndenct P(AlU A::!_)=- P(Al)'"' P(..•\a)- P(.o\l(') A::!_) = 0.9::!. - 0.9.; - 0 .92{0.9.;) = 0 .9!)6.

::!.-181. tet 0 denote the C\~t a container is inoorrectlyfilled and let H deootethcE'\'t'llt t~.a t a oontaioer is fi lled undcr l;ig.h-spood operotion.
a) P(O) = P(DIH )P(H)" P(D)H")P(ff) = O.O!(OJO), 0.00!(0.70) = 0.0037

b) P(H !D ) = P(D IH )P(H ) = 0.0 1(0.30) = 0_8 1OS.

P(D) 0.0037

a) P(D= I)= [- -][72)

2 ](73 - + [73][
-- - ] + [73
2 ][72 -][72
] 0.0778
75 74 73 75 74 73 75 74 73
7 7 7
b) P(D=2)= [2][-1][ 3]+ [2][ 3][-'] + [
75 74 73 75 74 73 753][2][-1
74 73]= 0.00108

c) A represent l.ttf!\'E'trt that tlt.e two items NOT inspected are oot def«:ti\'c. n.en.
P(A) = b:J/7.;X7i/ 74) = 0.947.

,.,ss. a) {O.:)XO .~~X0 .98Sl " {0.7X0.98XO.W) = 0 .~64

. P( Eiroutei )P(routel) 0.02485(0.30)

b) P(rourel E) = = = 0.3 159
1 P(E) 1- 0.9764
::!·187. /l j denote t.t'..eeYent the ith:wss.her stlectedis thicker target.

a) [ 30)[ 29 ][28] = 0.207

50 49 48
b) 30/48 .. 0.625
c) Tl:e req1:ested probabilitycan bewriuen in termsofwl:rt~.eror oot the first and s.eonod wasJ!.erselecteda:re t.Jt.Jcker the target. That


30)[ 29][ 28] + [30 ][ 20][ 29] + [ 20)[ 30][ 29] + [ 20

[ 50 49 48 50 49 48 50 49 48
30 = 0.60.
50 49 48

2-189. a) P(A u B)= I 12+ 68+246 = 0.453

b) P( An B )= - = 0.262
c) P( A' UB ) = 514 + 68+ 246 = 0.88 1
d) P(lf n B')= 514 = 0.547

e) P(A !B)= P(A u B) = 246/ 940 = 0.78 3

P(B) 314 / 940

t) P(B!A) = P(Bn A) = 246/ 940 = 0.687

P(A) 358 / 940

::!.-191. l.e1.4i deootetJt.e e\~nt that the itn tO\\· operates. Then.
P(A,) = 0 .98.P!Ao) ={0.99X0.99) = 0 .9801,P(A3l = 0.9801, 1'(.....) = 0.98.
Tr.e probability the does not operate is
~t'1 lit'<> )Jt4~ )Jt'\t) = {o.g;Xo.<ll99X0.0199XO.OO)
: l,s8XU)

(b) P = {1- 0.9.3X1- 0 .91)l1- 0 .97Xl-0.9Q)(l- o.91)X1- 0 .9:}) = a.(>46x 10
{c) P = 1- (l - 0.91)(1 -0.97)(1- 0 .9 0) = O :!>~m3
::!.·195· {a) .}6
{b) Number of p.."'tlnutatiomofsix letters is ::!.-6 • Nuty,ber ofw-ays to select one number = 10. Number of positions among tr.esi>: letters to
platt tft.eooe number= 7. Number of passwords= ::!.6 x 10 x 7.
5 •
(c) ::!6 10
~-197. (a) a partoontOrms tospecificationund let Bdeootea simplcoomponent.
For supplier 1:
P{A) = !<}8.~/1000 = M94
For supplier~ :
I'<Al = 19!)0/ zooo = o .99s
For supplier 1: P(AlB.) = 9!)0/!000 = 0 .99
For supplier~ : P(..;\!8.) = 394/400 = 0 .91).:;
For supplier 1: P(Af8) = ~/1000 = 0 .998
For supplier~: P(AIB) = ts(}&/1600 = 0 .997.5
{d) TlteunUSt!AI result is that for both a simp!eoomponentand for a oomplex assembly. supplier 1 h:asa greater probabilityth:ata part
oonforms to specifications. HO\\'tl.'er.supplier 1 has a lower probabilityofoonfonnanoeCM!taU. TJ!.eo\Willl oonforming probabilityd'epeods
on bothtt.e:oonfonning probabilityof eaclt pa.rt type and also tft.e probabiJityofeach part type.Supplier 1 prodllCES moreoftt.e:oomplo:
partssot.hato~ll oonfonnanoefromsupplier 1 is lo,<~er.

!H99. ndeoote the number of washers selected.

a) The probabiJitythat none arc thicker. that is.all are less thantlte target is04 byiod.cp..~""nce. The fOllowing result$ aN obtained:

ll 0 .4"
2 0. 16
3 0.064

T'*:tefore. n = 3
b) Tft.e requ-ESted probability is theoomplcmcnt oft.r.e proOObilityrequ.csted in part a ). Therefor-e. n = 3

~ -::l:Ol . tet Edeootethee>.l!nt that noneoftlte bolts are identified as inoorrectlytorquOO.

tet Xdenote t!bc number of bolts in the s.:~mplc that are incorrect. Tlte N:q•testcd pmb:tbilityis P(E"). Then.
P{E) = P{E!X = o)P{X = 0 ) • P{E!X = 1) P{X = 1) • P{E!X = 1) P{X = 1) • P{E!X = 3) P{X = ;)) • P{E!X = 4) P{X = 4)
and F(X = o) = hs/ :!O Xl4/ l9XJ3/t8)(J:!/l7) = 0 .:!817.
The remainin& probability for Xcan be determined from tr.eoounting metitods. Then

5!15! 4!16! = 0.4696

4 !3!12!201

P{X.= 4) = {.;/ 10X4/:19X:J!>BX1/ 17) = 0.0010. P{f!j X= 0) = 'ct;1E I X=!)= 0 .05. _6

P(E j X =~) =O .OS .::O.OO:!.S,P(E!X=J)=O.OS =l.::l:,;Xt0-4 .P(f. I X=-4)=0 .0~ =6.25x10 .Th.en.
run= l (0 .~8l7)+0 .0.!j (0 46!)6)'"'0 .00:!.5{0 .:!l67)"'la.5xlO {O.Oj09)'"-6.!l..:;Xl0 {0.00!0)
.:: OJ06

~ -:!0$. Tltetotal sam_plesizeiska ... a ... kb • b = {k • J)a • {k +l)b. Therefore

F(A = k(a + b) F(B = ka + a

) (k + 1)a + (k + 1)b' ) (k + 1)a + (k + l)b

P(AnB) = ka ka
(k + 1)a + (k + 1)b (k + 1X(I + b)

P(A)P(B) = k(a + bXka + a) k(a + bXk + !)a = ka P(A n B)

2 2
[(k + 1)a + (k + J)bf (k + J) (a + b) (k + JXa + b)

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