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A First Book oF MORPHY Frisco Del Ros Chess/Games $18.95 US “Paul Morphy was one of the greatest chessplayers of all time, and his games are still worthy of study. In this book, the author analyzes many wonderful Morphy games and crystallizes them into a set of principles for the opening, middlegame, and endgame.” —Grandmaster Patrick Wolff, two-time U.S. chess champion, author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Chess “For the first years of play, any player must learn, rediscover, and understand the basic ideas and fundamentals of chess that are clearly illustrated by the masters. This book highlights some of the most important principles any chessplayer should know, and provides games illustrating each idea in its raw form.” —Grandmaster Tal Shaked, former world junior chess champion A First Book of Morphy illustrates the teachings of three great players with games played by the first American chess champion, Paul Morphy. Morphy was the first known genius at chess, whose games were first to show the relationship between the attack and the positional features of center control, development, and king safety. Reuben Fine was one of the two best players in the United States in the 1930s and "40s. Fine’s textbook Chess the Easy Way distilled 400 years of accumulated chess wisdom into 30 principles, 10 each for the opening, middlegame, and endgame. A First Book of Morphy presents more than 60 of Morphy’s games to illustrate those rules. Cecil John Seddon Purdy, the editor of Chess World magazine, was an unparalleled chess teacher for novice and intermediate players, explaining the basics of winning chess in pithy, memorable words. The games selected for A First Book of Morphy demonstrate Morphy’s constant search for moves that exemplified Purdy’s most fundamental instructions. ISBN 14120390b-1 '781412"039062! | 40) MI) I 8 » TRAFORD The Immortalizers

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