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RJ: it’s because he ate many vegetables.

- Saying Whatever
MC1: You have to do it without getting caught!
MC1: If you get caught, you have to lure the student that discovers you into helping
you get out of the situation.
- In case of getting caught, lure the student!
MARK. Okay! I get it!
- Understanding completed!
- Conclusion: The best is going around without getting caught
MC1: The best would be if you’re able to walk around without being discovered.
CL: Understood!
MC1: Okay! The mission that everyone can participate in: find the hidden NCT!
- Today’s mission subject: find the hidden NCT DREAM.
MC1: There are objects hidden all around the school that are related to NCT DREAM.
You have to find those items and take picture of them or bring them back here.
Find the hidden items related to NCT DREAM all over school and take a picture
of it or bring it back to base to succeed!
MC1: The important points of today’s mission is that today we attacked the Yeil Girl’s
Middle School but next to it there’s a high school a primary school, a kindergarten and
a design school.
- Important points of today’s mission
- As many as 5 schools crowding this area
MC1: Since the chances of you getting caught by students of other schools are high…
MARK: We should be careful
MC1: Yeah, you should be careful.
- The risk of getting caught by students from other schools rises
MK: Okay!
MC1: Oh but looks like Haechan and Mark are feeling really relaxed?
- 2 people are being really relaxed
MK: Actually I’m real nervous…
- (In the process of being really nervous)
- First contestant of today’s school mission?
MC1: We have to choose the first contestant for this mission….
MK: Oh my god!
- Will proceed by dividing into 3 teams
MK: We should divide into teams to do this.
MC1: Yeah we have to divide to do it.
HC: Since I’ve already done this once, I’ll do it first.
Since I’ve already done this once, I’ll do it first.
- Confidence over the roof
ALL: wow!
___: Kind of like ‘“I’ll show you how it’s done!”
HC: Who wants to go with me!?
- Which dreamie wants to go with Haechannie?
JN: I have to be there to Haechan can seem funnier!
- Assembling a team through Jeno’s sacrifice(?)
CL: What if Haechan fails…?
Worry n1: If Haechan hyung fails doing this…
HC: If I fail…. There’s no way you all can succeed either.
- If I fail….
You won’t even have a chance.
MK: But, wait… If only one person gets discovered then what happens?
Worry n2: If (from the pair) only one is recognized, what do we do?
- Oh!! It’s Jeno!!!
- In that case, you have to take that student to the other member
HC: So I just go onto full despair mode and Jeno brings me to the student…
- I just go onto full despair mode and Jeno brings me to the student…
MC1: But what you have to focus on the most is not getting caught!
- First let’s exclude the ‘’if’’ and just focus on not getting caught
ALL: Yes!
MC1: I… will let you on one secret!
- For Dreamies: MC Dongwoonie
Specially prepared hidden cheat key
- Cheat key?
MC1: If you take MC Dongwoo with you… you should be okay!
- The identity of the cheat key is special MC Dongwoo
MC2: I’m the cheat key?
- Congratulations, today’s cheat key!
MC1: Dongwoo is the cheat key.
MC2: Is it because of the hair?
- Is it because of my beautiful bobbed hair?
MC1: It’s not because of that. Today, if Dongwoo is with one of the NCT DREAM
- Dongwoofficial
MC1: No one will be able to tell it’s School Attack happening!
- Unfamiliar combination that won’t give SCHOOL ATTACK away
MC1: If it had been our other MC, everyone would’ve been able to tell right away
School Attack is happening….
- If the other MC is the cheat key, you’ll get caught 100%
- Empty Slot
In place of the other MC, you can use the special MC!
MC2: You’re right, what could possibly happen that would combine together…?
MC1: That’s right, no one can even imagine why!
- A refreshing combination that no one imagined
MC2: So… do I have to kinda be the mother duck?
- Dreamies! Follow me!
MC1: Exactly! In case of getting caught… you can just look away from them…
- MC
If you get caught, you look away from them…
MC1: And the dreamies will be able to continue to do their mission.
- In other words….
MC2: So instead of calling me a cheat key, shouldn’t I be called a bait?
- You write “cheat key” but it’s read as “bait”
MC1: Exactly!
- JANG DONGWOO (29 YO) / Human bait
MC1: Okay so Haechan and Jeno and Mr Bait will start with this mission!
- First mission challengers: Jeno, Haechan and Dongwoo!
MC1: The mission is: inside the school there’s a “Dream Tree”, you have to find the
letters “NCT” and take a picture of them!
Inside the school there’s a “Dream Tree”, you have to find the letters “NCT”
and take a picture of them!
MC2: What’s a “Dream Tree”? Is it a gummy worm?
- Fatal blow
What’s a “Dream Tree”? Is it a gummy worm? (T/N: because there’s a popular
gummy worm brand with a very similar name)
MC1: Gummy worm…
- Ideal Type
MC1: It’s not a gummy worm, it’s a real tree!
- Caution: not to be eaten!
MC1: It’s called like that but it’s a tree!
- Ok, got it!
MC1: Okay so we will start NCT DREAM’s first mission right away!
CL: Go, go, go!
ALL: Do well! Fighting!!
- NCT DREAM’s first school mission: GO!
HC: Everyone, I’ll go study a bit and come back!
- Haechan, Jeno and Dongwoo’s travel path.
- * (T/N: star sign on the screen) Mission (dream tree)
HC: As we get there, what we have to do is predict what we think the Dream Tree is
going to be…
As we get there, what we have to do is predict what we think the Dream Tree is
going to be…
JN: That’s right, wouldn’t it be something like a Christmas tree?
- Something like a Christmas tree?
HC: I think, for example…
- The person who has experience in doing Attacks exploders with sharp
HC: …. In the sports gymnasium and places like that, you can see people’s names all
MC2: You both came out wearing uniforms but I’m wearing normal clothes, don’t I
look like a teacher….?
- But you both wear uniforms… I look like a teacher 
MC1: Since today is Bait Hyung’s first time too….
- MC
Since today is Bait Hyung’s first time too….
MC1: I think they’ll just get caught.
- MC
I think they’ll just get caught.
MC2: They said there’s around 5 other schools here, right?
- Location crowded with schools, every school has a different break time
MC2: Here it’s break time but there’s a possibility that it’s not break time in the other
HC: But I personally think if we meet around one or two people…
But I personally think if we meet around one or two people…
HC: And we asked for help, I’d like that.
And we asked for help, I’d like that.
HC: Ask about where something like the Dream Tree would be
- Even as they move, only thinking of the mission
MC2: Oh I think that’s quite okay?
- That’s quite okay?
JN: But… what if they say they don’t want to help?
- (t/n. tiny caption) As Bright As The Sun
- But… if they say they don’t want to what do we do?
HC: If they say they don’t want to… then we just go back…
- Well.. If they don’t want to help I guess we’ll just go back….
HC: Wow… even before finding the Dream Tree I’m already exhausted…
- Before finding the Dream Tree, already completely exhausted
JN: There’s so many stairs…
- Dream Tree, where are you… T_T
HC: Oh? What’s this?
- Dream Tree: Found!
- Jeno looks at the Dream Tree first…
MC1: It wasn’t even Dream Tree, it was for real the gummy worms brand!
- Not Dream Tree, but KkumTeulli(but still not gummy worms)….?
MC2: We found the “Dream Tree”
- Bait hyung that tells himself it says “Dream Tree” and not KkumTeulli
- That’s how “find the great confusing Dream Tree” started
JN: It wouldn’t be on the top, right?
- No matter what it is, let’s just find what we need first!
MC2: We have to find a tree! Guys, we have to find a tree!
- Inside of his confusion, convinced that he has to find a tree

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