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The figure skating is one of the most complete sports since it works the legs, the abdomen,
the arms and more than anything the physical condition. For me it is very good to have skills
in this sport because I never finish learning, every day I see something new and different
and it is very beautiful. In addition to learning, I also have the ability to teach what I know
to other people or children.
Because it is something that not all people do, I had never skated on wheels, much less
skated on ice and the first time I skated on ice was 3 years ago, I remember I went with 2
friends, we skated and we liked it. So I asked about reports and they trained me, and it
would only take me a week to learn the basics and since then I started skating, then I got
into the classes and kept learning to date.
This happened 3 years ago, I was in the library with some friends and a friend told us it was
his birthday and he wanted to go skating, so we decided to accompany her. We arrived at
the place and skated for 1 hour, it was very funny that moment and from there I became
interested, so I started working as an instructor and until today I have become a figure
skating teacher.
It started on a Tuesday in the library of Pino Suárez, we were investigating some differential
calculation problems, when we left we had nothing planned and a friend convinced us to
accompany her to skate. We moved to the Europlaza, there is the only ice rink in the city
and we met with our friend and went to skate for an hour, when they left they did not
charge us for the hour and then they told me that they worked there. From then on I started
to get interested in figure skating.
The interest started when I skated for the first time, then I started working as an instructor
and started earning money. Sometimes I saw some skaters doing jumps or twists and I felt
the need to do something like that because there are very few people who train that sport.
I spoke with a teacher and he started teaching me one hour. I started to learn more and I
liked it because apart from learning I also have the ability to teach.
Figure skating is one of the most difficult sports to learn and also more complete, in the
same sport there will always be something new, which means that we will never finish

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