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4 English with an Accent Language, ideology, and y discrimination in the United States Second Edition Rosina Lippi-Green R Routledge Tyler trne Group LONDON AND NEW YORE ‘bsite at absite includes: ample answers ion prompts, and panied by sine resources. raphy. English Since its initial publication, English with an Accent has provoked debate and controversy within classrooms through its in-depth scrutiny of American sttitudes toward language. Rosina Lippi-Green discusses the ways in which discrimination based on accent functions to support and perpetuate social structures and unequal power relations. This second edition has been reorganized and revised to include: ‘© now dedicated chapters on Latino English and Asian American English © discussion questions, further reading, and sugges cs © updated examples from the classroom, the judicial system, the media, and corporate culture © a discussion ofthe long-term implications of the Ebonics debate © brand-new companion website with an interactive bibliography, glossary of key terms, and links to audio, video, and images relevant to each chapter's content, available at:, od classroom exerc Eng discrimination to b with an Accent is essential reading for students with interests in attitudes and language, Rosina Lippi-Green isan independent scholar and award-winning writer of fiction, She holds a PhD in linguistics from Princeton University, USA, and was a University of Michigan, Ann Arbor faculty member for ten Language subordination order, Myth ensheines expresses and confirms, attitudes and values arter fora future -the primary fanetion of myth vo validate an ig congecvative social values, raising tradition on 2 pedestal. Te coer an explains or guestons, che sourees Of ccaleural eezuse mth anchors dhe present in ehe past i 82 sociological ch Mesty whic isan exact replica of the resent one Ann Oakley (1974) yen I read some of the rules for speaking and wang English language vrrretiy 1 think any foot can make a role and every fool will mind it aa avid Thotea, Journal entry, Febrvary 3, 1860 ave established that language is ing of social allegiances is not ork in sociolingeisties hi

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