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Principe de la Laïcité 1 :40 to 2 :08
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Homme : C’est un combat, la laïcité (secularism, religious neutrality in schools). Il s’agit (it’s
about) de protéger (protect) le domaine de l’école en particulier contre l’intrusion, l’influence
éventuelle de croyances (beliefs) religieuse qui sont celles (those) d’une partie seulement (only)
de la communauté nationale. Jules Ferry* est tout à fait explicite sur ce point là : Qu’on doit
(must) imposer aucune (no) conviction…
*French Educational reformer who played a role in the separation of church and state.
Translation: It’s a battle [to maintain] religious neutrality in schools. It’s about protecting the
domain of the school in particular against the intrusion and eventually influence of religious
beliefs that are only those of part of the national community. Jules Ferry is explicit/clear on this
point: One must not impose any conviction [at school].

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