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Anna McIntyre
UWRT 1104
Dr. Raymond
WP #7


You have been encouraged to question and investigate your topic for the Concentrated
Short Inquiry Project from any and all perspectives that you desire. We have worked on
other writing projects that may have given you some insight or helped you formulate
questions about your topic. How do you think you have used rhetorical knowledge in
any other writing that we have done so far? (Review the definition of rhetorical
knowledge in your syllabus.)

With the daily writing, writing prompts, class discussions, and other projects, which
components of any of these projects pushed you to want to find out more? What
elements caused you to inquire or find the need to investigate further in terms of what
you selected for the Concentrated Short Inquiry Project? What sources challenged your
critical thinking skills the most? Think about all the questions posed in this writing
prompt and think about where you are positioned in this project right now and respond
to all the questions you can.

Out of them all, I would say that the writing prompts pushed me to want to find
out more. I work well when given clear and precise instructions of what I need to write
about and research, which is what is done in the writing prompts. The Genealogy
project has made me discover so much more about myself that I did not know, it is kind
of crazy to me. This project challenged my critical thinking the most. It required me to
make connections within my family and trace back family lines. Regarding rhetorical
knowledge, I have found that my outlook on writing has changed over the course of this
semester. I now find it easier to identify and apply strategies across a range of texts and
writing situations. I have found that now, it is much easier for me to do in depth research
and apply what I’ve learned to my writing. I now use strategies, like directly using
sources and applying writing to my personal life, that I hadn’t used previously.
The Concentrated Short Inquiry Project related to a disorder that I myself suffer
from, so it was very personal. I had many questions about my disorder, ADHD, that I
wanted and desired to answer through this project. I know that there is not a cure and
that scientists do not know exactly what caused it. I really know a lot about the disorder,
but I wanted to see what I did not know and what I could learn. I anticipate that the last
four, including this, writing prompts will expand my thinking through critical questions
and deeper thinking, As usual, these writing prompts make me think in different ways
than I usually would. Because of that, I think that I will have many more questions asked
and more answers found as we proceed and complete these last few writing prompts
with the Concentrated Short Inquiry Project in mind.

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