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Nikolas Kehr

Prof. Lark

HIST 134

19 November 2018

A Day In The Life of Marcus ( Roman )

* knock on the door * “ Yes Jarvis I will be up in a moment “. Jarvis is the servant to my

family’s estate. My name is Marcus Caesar, I am currently eleven years of age; my father named

me after the great, and well known Roman icon, known as Marcus Antonius. My father is a

highly regarded architect in the city of Rome. I gather my clothes that are already pre-laid out by

one of our house servants, they are Etruscan fabricated. The Etruscans are a dirty and inferior

civilization, but what they lack in superior armies they make up for with their exquisite attire. I

get ready and eat breakfast and then go to school where I will further my knowledge on reading

and writing. Normally when I am finished with class I return home to study my father's

architectural trade, so I can one day become as successful as he is. I leave the property and head

to school, I am accompanied by my mother, and we talk about all I have learned yesterday at

school, so when I arrive to class I can focus on the new tasks at hand. This way I am not falling

behind like an Etruscan would. As we are walking down the road my mother gives two silver

denariies to a poor boy on the street. She pats me on the back, reminding me that it is important

to help out when you can for the good of the Roman empire. I arrive at school, where I am

greeted by all seven of my classmates, and I sit down for the upcoming lesson. Class finishes and

I am greeted by my father. He tells me stories on the walk home, about all the structures he has

designed for the Roman empire and the ones he is currently working on. I finally arrive at home

and get ready for bed, dreaming of becoming a successful architect just like my father or maybe
even an engineer. The wild thoughts fill my head, inevitably putting me to rest till the following


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