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At the beginning of the course I have learned about the

use of “Simple present and continuous, action and
nonaction verbs”. For example: Simple present, We will
use it for affirmations or situations that occur normally;
Present continuous, We use the present continuous to
describe an action that is being carried out at the same
time in which we speak; Action verbs, the verbs that
describe actions, they can be used in both simple
present and continuous; Nonaction verbs, verbs that
describe states or feelings. Normally they are not used in
the present continuous, even if we say now. After, about
the use “Future forms”, really this was very ambiguous at
the beginning since everything looked in the same
direction but with his teachings everything became
easier. For example: “Be going to + base form” We use it
when we have already decided to do something; “Be +
verb + ing” for future arrangement;, “Will + base form”
for instant decisions, promises, offers, predictions, future
facts, suggestions.”Present perfect and simple past”,
“Present pefect + for/since, present present continuous”,
“Comparatives and superlatives”, “A/an. The, no
article”, “Can, could, be able to”, “have to, must,
should”, “Past tenses”, “Present and past habits and
states: usually and used to”.

In fact, these issues are very important when you are not
a native of the countries that speak English, because it
helps to have better communication with foreigners in
case you need their help or vice versa. This will help me
because I am applying for a vacancy in a hospital in the
United States and although I need to improve my
speaking, I know that with English 5 I have a base to
embark on a great personal and professional path.
Thank you teacher for the patience and dedication in
teaching us to become great professionals not only in
our country but in the world.

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