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Exercise 10: Acid-Base Balance: Activity 1: Hyperventilation Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. The fastest compensatory mechanism for maintaining pH homeostasis in the human body is
You correctly answered: c. the chemical buffering system.

2. An increase in hydrogen ion concentration would

You correctly answered: d. decrease pH.

3. The amount of carbon dioxide in the blood is measured in

You correctly answered: b. mm Hg.

4. The reaction of water and carbon dioxide is catalyzed by

You correctly answered: a. carbonic anhydrase.

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: What do you think will happen to the pH and PCO2 levels with hyperventilation?
Your answer : c. pH will increase and PCO2 will decrease.

Stop & Think Questions:

Were the pH and PCO2 in the normal range?
You correctly answered: c. Both pH and PCO2 were in the normal range.

What was the effect of returning to normal breathing after hyperventilation?

You correctly answered: b. The breathing stopped temporarily to retain carbon dioxide.

Experiment Data:

Condition Min PCO2 Max PCO2 Min pH Max pH

Normal 40 40 7.38 7.38
Hyperventilation 22.82 40 7.4 7.61
Hyperventilation / Normal 30.62 40 7.38 7.53

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Hyperventilation results in
You correctly answered: b. respiratory alkalosis.

2. With hyperventilation, the higher peaks on the tracing indicate

You correctly answered: a. a larger volume of air.

3. Which of the following is not a potential cause of respiratory alkalosis?

You correctly answered: d. emphysema

4. The kidneys can compensate for respiratory alkalosis by

You correctly answered: b. retaining H+ and excreting bicarbonate ion.

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Review Sheet Results
1. Describe the normal ranges for pH and carbon dioxide in the blood.
Your answer:
El pH varia de 7.35 a 7.45 y la presion de CO2 es de 35 a 45 mm Hg.

2. Describe what happened to the pH and the carbon dioxide level with hyperventilation. How well did the results compare
with your prediction?
Your answer:
En la hiperventilacion se elimina CO2 por lo tando su presion baja y habra un incremento del pH, alcalosis, debido a esta

3. Explain how returning to normal breathing after hyperventilation differed from hyperventilation without returning to
normal breathing.
Your answer:
La respieracion se detuvo para la readsorcion de CO2.

4. Describe some possible causes of respiratory alkalosis.

Your answer:
La fiebre, ataque de pánico o ansieda; debido que todos aumenta la frecuencia respiratoria para mantener la homeostasis.

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Exercise 10: Acid-Base Balance: Activity 2: Rebreathing Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. In cases of acidosis, the pH of the blood is

You correctly answered: c. less than 7.35.

2. Carbon dioxide and water form

You correctly answered: a. carbonic acid (a weak acid).

3. Which of the following is true of respiratory acidosis?

You correctly answered: c. The amount of carbon dioxide in the blood is greater than normal.

4. Rebreathing
You correctly answered: b. is exemplified by breathing into a paper bag.

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: What do you think will happen to the pH and PCO2 levels during rebreathing?
Your answer : b. pH will decrease and PCO2 will increase.

Stop & Think Questions:

Which of the following can cause respiratory acidosis?
You correctly answered: c. airway obstruction

Experiment Data:

Condition Min PCO2 Max PCO2 Min pH Max pH

Normal 40 40 7.42 7.42
Rebreathing 40 51.16 7.27 7.42

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Rebreathing simulates
You correctly answered: a. hypoventilation and respiratory acidosis.

2. Hypoventilation results in
You correctly answered: c. an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood.

3. The renal system can compensate for respiratory acidosis by

You correctly answered: b. excreting H+ and retaining bicarbonate ion.

4. Respiratory acidosis can be caused by all of the following except

You correctly answered: d. an anxiety attack.

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Review Sheet Results
1. Describe what happened to the pH and the carbon dioxide levels during rebreathing. How well did the results compare
with your prediction?
Your answer:
Se tendra mayor CO2 en el aire que es rehinalado por ello aumentara la presion del CO2 en la sangre, disminuyendo el pH.

2. Describe some possible causes of respiratory acidosis.

Your answer:
La posibles causa serian la obstrucción de las vías respiratorias, depresión del centro respiratorio en el tallo cerebral,
enfermedad pulmonar como enfisema y bronquitis crónica, y sobredosis de fármacos todos ellos favorecen la
hipoventialcion, una disminucion de la frecuencia respiratoria, favoreciendo la reabsorcion de CO2.

3. Explain how the renal system would compensate for respiratory acidosis.
Your answer:
El sistema renal compensa al repiracion acida secretando compuesto acidos y reabsorbiendo compuestos amortiguadores
como el acido carbonico para aumentar el pH.

11/03/18 page 4
Exercise 10: Acid-Base Balance: Activity 3: Renal Responses to Respiratory Acidosis and Respiratory Alkalosis Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. The renal system compensates for

You correctly answered: d. both respiratory acidosis and respiratory alkalosis.

2. Respiratory alkalosis is characterized by

You correctly answered: a. pH greater than 7.45 and PCO2 less than 35 mm Hg.

3. Respiratory acidosis is characterized by

You correctly answered: c. pH less than 7.35 and PCO2 greater than 45 mm Hg.

4. The functional unit of the kidney is the

You correctly answered: b. nephron.

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question 1: What effect do you think lowering the PCO2 will have on [H+ ] and [HCO3- ] in the urine?
Your answer : d. [H+ ] will decrease and [HCO3- ] will increase.

Predict Question 2: What effect do you think raising the PCO2 will have on [H+ ] and [HCO3- ] in the urine?
Your answer : d. [H+ ] will decrease and [HCO3- ] will increase.

Stop & Think Questions:

The condition you just simulated is
You correctly answered: b. respiratory alkalosis caused by hyperventilation.

Can the renal system fully compensate for acidosis or alkalosis?

You correctly answered: d. No, neither for respiratory alkalosis nor respiratory acidosis.

Experiment Data:

PCO2 Blood pH [H+] in Urine [HCO3-] in Urine

40 7.39 normal normal
30 7.58 decreased elevated
60 7.31 elevated decreased

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. When adjusting the controls, what happens to the blood pH when you lower the PCO2?
You correctly answered: a. The pH increases.

2. In uncompensated respiratory alkalosis, the

You correctly answered: b. carbon dioxide levels of the blood are low.

3. What type of breathing results in acidosis?

You correctly answered: d. hypoventilation and rebreathing

4. With renal compensation for respiratory acidosis, the pH of the urine

You correctly answered: b. decreased because [H+ ] increased.

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Review Sheet Results
1. Describe what happened to the concentration of ions in the urine when the PCO2 was lowered. How well did the results
compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
A bajas presiones de CO2 en la sangre favorece la eliminacion de ion bicarbonato y la reabsorcion de iones H.

2. What condition was simulated when the PCO2 was lowered?

Your answer:

3. Describe what happened to the concentration of ions in the urine when the PCO2 was raised. How well did the results
compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Cuandop hay elevada presion de CO2 en la sangre favorece la eliminacion de ion H y reabsorcion de ion bicarbonato.

4. What condition was simulated when the PCO2 was raised?

Your answer:
La hipoventilacion y rehinalcion de aire expulsado.

11/03/18 page 4
Exercise 10: Acid-Base Balance: Activity 4: Respiratory Responses to Metabolic Acidosis and Metabolic Alkalosis Lab

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. An increase in metabolic rate (without compensation) would result in

You correctly answered: a. more carbon dioxide in the blood.

2. Excessive vomiting results in

You correctly answered: c. loss of acid, metabolic alkalosis.

3. Which of the following is not acidic?

You correctly answered: d. antacids

4. Which of the following decreases the rate of metabolism?

You correctly answered: b. lowered body temperature

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question 1: What do you think will happen when the metabolic rate is increased to 80 kcal/hr?
Your answer : a. metabolic acidosis

Predict Question 2: What do you think will happen when the metabolic rate is decreased to 20 kcal/hr?
Your answer : d. Breaths per minute will decrease.

Stop & Think Questions:

The tidal volume and breaths per minute increased with increased metabolism because
You correctly answered: b. there is more carbon dioxide being formed.

Which body system is compensating for the metabolic alkalosis?

You correctly answered: c. respiratory

Experiment Data:

Metabolic Rate BPM (breaths/min) Blood pH PCO2 [H+] [HCO3-]

(kcal/hr) in Blood in Blood
50 15 7.39 40 40 24
60 17 7.36 45 47 20
80 21 7.24 55 63 14.50
40 13 7.44 37 38 26
20 9 7.52 31 32 30

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. What happened to the breathing when metabolism was increased?

You correctly answered: d. The breaths per minute and the tidal volume increased.

2. Which of the following is not a cause of metabolic acidosis?

You correctly answered: b. constipation

3. If PCO2 in the blood increases, then

You correctly answered: a. [H+ ] increases and pH decreases.

4. Which of the following values increased with decreased metabolism?

You correctly answered: d. pH and [HCO3- ]

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Review Sheet Results
1. Describe what happened to the blood pH when the metabolic rate was increased to 80 kcal/hr. What body system was
compensating? How well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Ante un acidosis metabolica se aumento el CO2 en el plasma compensa este desequilibrio el sistema respiratorio con
respiracion acida.

2. List and describe some possible causes of metabolic acidosis.

Your answer:
Produce metabolismo acido: cetoacidosisuna que es acumulación de cetoácidos que
pueden deberse a diabetes mellitus, intoxicación por salicilato, que puede ser debida
a una ingestión excesiva de aspirina o de aceite de
gaulteria, la ingestión excesiva de alcohol, que se convierte en
ácido acético, diarrea, que provoca pérdida de bicarbonato del
contenido intestinal, y el ejercicio extenuante, que puede causar una acumulación
de ácido láctico procedente del metabolismo muscular anaeróbico.

3. Describe what happened to the blood pH when the metabolic rate was decreased to 20 kcal/hr. What body system was
compensating? How well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Habra menos CO2 en el plasma, esto producira un alcalosis que sera compensado por la disminucion de frecuenia
respiratoria para la readsorcion de CO2.

4. List and describe some possible causes of metabolic alkalosis.

Your answer:
El metabolismo alcalico es producido por: la ingestión de álcalis, tales como antiácidos o bicarbonato, vómitos, que pueden
provocar pérdida excesiva de H1, y tambien estreñimiento, que puede generar una reabsorción importante de HCO3.

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