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T : Today, is the last day Janick to be here with us. So, he will talk about the experience from first
day in Malang. Okay, yak.
RT : Ya, Good Morning guys
AS : Good Morning
RT : Yaa. I’m sad because this our last class
AS : Awww….
RT : It seems time is running to fast. So, did you have test last Monday?.
AS : Midterm test? No…..
RT : Okay, so I would like to ask you the topic I told you if you remember some of it.
T : You got the score if you can answer the question.
-class laughing-
RT : Okay, for me beginning. I would to ask who remember the name of my hometown.
-student whispering-
RT : (Point the student in the back)
S1 : Rotstock
RT : Yeah, Rotstock
-other student clapping-
RT : And for the second question. I would to ask you. Mmm. Could you explain why the city center
in town look different from the outside area? I showed you the picture on the presentation.
-student whispering, laughing-
RT : You… (point the student in the back)
S2 : No…
RT : You raise your hand
RT : Maybe I will help you. Yes, do you remember the picture of the center market and you see the
old building ? And from which area are they?
T : Yak, c’mon, if you want to say just try it.
T : Try.
S3 : Disneyland.
RT : Sorry, what?
S3 : Disneyland.
-The class burst in laughing-
RT : No, my question is about the difference….. hmm, you know..
-RT need board marker, class is silent, RT draw the picture of City Center-
RT : Ya, it’s look like egg but it is not. My question is, this is the city center and this is the outside
area. Can you explain why the city center’s building and the houses, they’re different from the outside
RT : any suggestion? Just try.
T : Yak?
RT : Okay, I’ll explain. The difference is that the city center building was built in middle age. Like 600
or thousand years ago. And that’s why houses here different from the house in outside area. This is new.
AS : Owwww….
RT : hmm, who remember about sport in Germany ?
T : Yak (point the student in the corner)
S4 : Football.
RT :Yak, football is just like our most popular sport. Did you also remember the second most
popular sport?
S5 : Handball.
RT : Handball, ya…
-Class is little bit noisy, the RT search the next question-
RT : And, maybe the next question. Who can explain the different from south in Germany and
North. I told you the some differences and you can..
-silent, whispering-
RT : North and South.
-Silent, whispering-
T : Just try say it English, c’mon.
S5 : Berlin wall
T : Is itdivide by Berlin wall ?
RT : No, now it say
-RT draw the picture of Germany, class silence-
RT : This is map of Germany okay. And my question wa the different between the area here and the
area maybe here (point the picture)
RT : I guess all of you have seen the map that I explained to you.
S6 : The weather?
RT : ya , Its also the weather. But, the main different between this area here we have the mountain
here. Do you remember the picture ? a lot of mountain here. This is the area we have border with
Switzerland and Austria, many mountain here. But no mountain here. This is like the beach area. Here
have the sea. Here the sea and here the mountain.
RT : Did I tell ypu about food in Germany ?
AS : Yaa
RT : Okay, who remember our main food?
-Some student raise their hand and the RT choose the student in the back.
S7 : Potato
RT : Potato, ya. When rice is main to you, potato is main for us.
RT : Did I tell you about the different behavior while eating?
AS : Yes.
RT : Who remember ?
T : Yak, Rafi.
S8 : Yes, in Germany the people eat with knife and fork.
RT : Ya..
S8 : And in Indonesia we eat with using hand. And in Germany, fork in left and knife in right.
RT : *Show gesture slice something with knife *
-all is clapping-
T : Any additional ? Yak, okay Hazari.
S9 : Germany people use spoon only for soup.
RT : Yak.
T : Okay. Other additional?
RT : Who remember I told you about wearing hand for eating? Who remember? Just hand, there
are maybe two meals you can eat with your hands.
T : Yak, c’mon….
T : yak, Hazari
S9 : Hotdog
RT : Yak, it can.
S10 : Burger
RT : Yak Burger
T : Okay, you can tell us about your experience here. This is recount. This is example of Recount
RT : My experience so far was.. ya it hard to express in word,but it’s like amazing for me, like people
here. Also the student, the teacher, they are here. So, I really enjoy my stay here and yeah.
-all student was clapping-
RT : This is really positive experience. And also teaching. Actually it’s something new for me
because I study to become a lawyer and my major is law in Germany . so it is totally new experience for
me to teach at class. First time I made presentation to teach.
T : Is there any place that you want to visit again ?
RT : Ya, I went to Bromo Mountain Saturday. Ya, but it was so foggy. So, I can’t see anything. I have
to go there again. It was really sad because I can’t see sunrise, see the panorama there, it was just
impossible , because it was so foggy. Nothing to see, just gray and cloud (laughing)
-class was laughing-
RT : So, maybe next week I will go there again.
T : Do you have any question for him ? Do you have any question?
AS : No.
T : You don’t want to get more score? (laughing)
AS :-Laughing-
T : okay, is it time for us to watch drama ? oo yak, okay Bayu.
S11 : It’s about
-Silence because of the bell-
S11 : I want to ask you about the religion in Germany. What is the main English in Germany? Is there
any Moslem there?
RT : Maybe I can explain here.
-the RT draw the map again-
RT : Okay , this is the map of Germany okay. So, the there is like a border, eh but you can’t see the
border. Like this border. And people in North is Protestant, and in South is Catholic. Yeah, for example
I’m a protestant , but if you were born in south you are Catholic. And for Moslem, of course we have. It’s
quite big and have community. And that’s way the big city for example here (point the map) and here or
in Hamburg, we have many Moslem people. It just in the city, but if in the country side, no.
T : Any other question? No? well, thank you, you may take a rest and sit down. Well student
pelase prepare piece of paper. We are going to watch drama. Write your opinion about the drama write
down your name and opinion about the story, okay?
-silence, wait the drama’s group-
T : Let’s give the applause.
AS : Woo…
-The group entered and introduce their role-
-The drama start, after the actor and the actress in their place-
*during the actor and the actress change the clothes
T : don’t forget write your opinion
-continue the drama-
AS laughing the ending
T : Yak, the opinion? Aaah.. do you want to give your opinion first?
RT : My opinion about this drama was great.
T : Yak, other ? before you give me your paper. Say it loudly c’mon. okay who want to tell? Risma.
S : It’s funny
T : It’s funny. Which one you think is the funniest?
S : Nata became the ghost.
T : okay, the others?
T : But you still have to write your opinion.
T : Ami, do you want to say something? Ok, Amy first.
S : The drama, is so funny. The entry when Nana and Koko intoduce themselves was the funniest.
T : Ya, it the beginning . the others? Boys? For the boys, I haven’t heard your voice. C’mon. Doni
do you want to say something?
S1 :about opinion ?
T : okay. Doni.
S : the drama is interesting, but little bit scary.
T : I see, yak Farel
S : The drama is good and funny.
T : Okay. Who is your favorite actor/ actress?
S : The beginning of the story
T : No.. no , the actor /actress the one who here.
S : The Dracula, coco and nata
T : Nata and coco, Ok, yak the other boys? Adi? Di..?
T : (point the student in back) what do you think ?
S : The drama is funny, but little bit scary
T : This is unplanned ghost. The others?
T : The other, yak Dimas
S : I think the drama is awesome and entertaining.
T : Oh, okay. The best comment. Good. Hmm, the other ?
S : Acttually, their expression is good, but the bald one is not really expressive. The bald one
T : Oh, I see, why?
S : Because he always…. (ask his friend)
T : Face to…
S : Face to apa ya..
*the other student help him answer*
S2 : Face the same audience
T s: Oh, dia sadar kamera, haha.. I see (laughing), because you’re the camera. The other? Yak.
S : the ending was unexpected.
T : Unexpected ending, the other? Ha ah , Risma
S : The drama was great. I thibk some people need to be louder when acting.
T : Okay, louder yak, do you think they are confident? do you think they are confident?
AS : Yes, some.
T : Some of them but not all. What do you think about their costume? The opinion about their costume?
T : Any opinion?
S : Simple
T : Simple, but..
S : Simple but support their…
T : Simple but support their character, okay? Any other opinion? Okay. Let’s invite them and let them
talk about their drama okay?
-the student who play the drama entered the class-
T : Okay, you tell me story and what do you think about the drama.
S1 : Fee, I was nervous because I was afraid that this drama fail, but Ratna said that this drama is not
totally … berhasil
T : success
S1 : Ya, and anyone know the mean of our drama maksudnya ada yang tau maksdunya drama kita
As : Yes
S1 : Ada yang gak tau ?
S : Horror, Horror drama.
S1 : Ya, genre is horror. Ya but the mean of the ending of the story . ada yang gak tau?
T : Do you understand their drama ?
S* : can you explain yang sebenarnya ? can you repeat?
S1 : So, our drama is, maybe Ratna can explain. The drama is nata and pudding have same birthday.
There is a trap in the trap, you know. Jebakan dalam jebakan. Rat, Ratna, could you explain?
S2 : Okay, pudding and nata in their birthday which in Tuesday and you know the habit of the teenager.
So we just… amanatnya ada di naskah.
T : Its okay just tell it.
S2 : As I remember. The story tell us about think twice before doing something. We have to think twice,
in every problem. Because all the plan we have, we remember that the god everlasting plan for us.
T : The other tell you about your experience preparing this drama.
Eeh from Wildan.
T : yal, c’mon. what do you think?
S3 : Okay, I think our drama is so,so. It’s between success and fail. But I think it’s success.
T : ah.. good.
S4 : Ah, I think our drama is good and I think our drama is so success and I’m so happy.
AS : Laughing
S5 : I think our drama is not really success. Because it’s different than we’re practice.
T : So practice better than this. I see. So what did you do in practice ?
S2 : Hmm, we’re practice wear the custom, oh but we didn’t use the property.
T : ohh, I see, next?
S6 : felt tired. I think my drama is success, eh successful because we try our best.
T : try this hars, okay, yak, next.
S7 : I think my drama not successful.
T : okay, next.
S8 : I was happy because I played drama with them.
-the group cheering-
T : Yak, thank you. So, the others please prepare your drama for next week yak. Next Monday. Perhaps,
we are going to have another meeting on Friday. Bye-bye, thank you. Give me your paper, your paper of

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