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“The effects of bullying on the studies of the Grade 9 sped-b

students that are bullied”

By: Areno Jan Mark D.

Diaz Kenneth Jay S.

Nolasco Virross Jericho G.

January, 8 2015
Chapter One


Nowadays more students are being bullied and when they are bullied they lose their
self-esteem and confidence. They have low grades because they are not participating in the
class recitations and other verbal activities. And it is because of the following reasons: they
have already experienced being laughed at by his/her classmates in front of the class, they
are called in many names for example pig, virus, crazy lady, ugly and many more.

The purpose of this research paper is for the students and bullies to be aware on
what would the effects of bullying. And In the next time they bully again they ask this
questions to their selves: why do I bully? Do I find it amusing? And is it the right thing to
do? And one of my aims is to lessen the case of bullying in the grade 9 sped b batch 2015-

Bullying is now a crime and anyone who committed this crime will be punished.
The following are the punishment for bullying: he/she will be suspended in class, he/she
will be kicked out from the school, he/she could be enrolled by the different schools

Statement of the problem

This research paper ought to answer the following questions:

 What are the effects of bullying to the students?

 How to stop bullying?
 What are the punishment of bullying?
 What are the reason why bullies love to bully their classmates?

Scope and Delimitation

This research paper is only delimited to Grade 9 sped-b students of Tupi national
high school, with 51 students 19 boys and 32 girls and almost 99% are all bullied and
almost 60% are the bullies. And the negative effects of bullying on the grades of grade 9
sped-b students. We started our research paper on the fifth day of January.

Significance of the study

This research paper aims to determine the psychological effects of bullying to the
lives of the bullied students. It also wants to lessen the cases of bullying in the Grade sped-
b students. And for the bullies to be aware of what will be the punishment for bullying.

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