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A scrawny rat named Remy finds his dreams of culinary superstardom stirring up sizable
controversy in the kitchen of a fine French restaurant in director's madcap computer-animated
comedy. It's hard being a rat with culinary aspirations, but Remy is convinced he has what it
takes to break the stereotypes and follow in the footsteps of star chef Auguste Gusteau. As fate
would have it, Remy is currently situated in the sewers directly beneath Gusteau's elegant
restaurant. Soon Remy teams up with a young chef with little talent named Linguini. Together
they are able to create some fabulous dishes, but they live in fear that someone will discover their
secret and object strenuously to a rat being in a kitchen. When Remy's passion for cooking turns
the haughty world of French cuisine upside down, the rat who would be king of the kitchen
learns important lessons about life, friends, and family while questioning whether he should
pursue his culinary calling or simply go back underground and return to his life as a sewer rat.

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