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There are extensive data on the •toxi city of zinc •to fish laboratory conditions, sup.

Ðorted •to some ext

ent by fi aba on fis there are sñrtually no field obser— vations •to indicate the concentrations of zinc
that are not inimical to fish populations or fisheries, mainly because the analytical da.+aa az•e too
meagre, information on water hardness perhaps the most important factor affecting •the toxicity of
zinc to aquatic animals is missing details of the status of the fish pcmùation are not given. For these
reasons only tentative criteria can -oe suggested wnxch may have to be revised when more adeauate
field data becone availaþlee

The toxicity of solutions containing zinc is mainly attributable 'co the zinc ion and perhaps also to
particulate zinc present as the basic carbonate or the hydroxide held in suspension, It is modified water
being reduced in particular by an increase in hardness and also temperature , sal inity suspended solids
increased by a decrease dissolved The effect of however, is tmcertaine

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