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Russells New ant meron Edition. Ne, PRN AL seen “ET L | vp. dt — 1G (SZ * ete * | Salion $ Siiging Shalt BOSTON Rep D Rassal. ae Scoro Det Mezropo Prartco. Pel gran vantaggio che offre Vidioma Htalianoegli? fur disabiychedebbastincominlarel studi de Can. tin questa lingua, giacché questo conusciuty,rirace wx. sai facile it cantare in ult gi attr idinma Ammarstrate dall experienza conobbi che, nella Germania, Fr Inghiterra ed anche in Italia, ai pie che per ditetto lap. pprondons, riesce di grandissimo peso doversicsrrcitare in lunghisolfeggi ed exercisi exsendo loro unico seupo dticantare in camera) e che in conseguenza,avviene di non attenersi ad aleun metodo. Percio pensai a com. porne uno dn genere affato nuovo utile dilettevole, the evitando la nota di Lunghi studi, ragginngesse lame. tadesiderata. Kesendoladifficolta maggiare per gf stranieriquel. {adi cantare in wna lingua non propria anche dpoqual. che esercisind solfeggie wacalz2i, immaginai che fin Ae principe rabies ea ing pny che asl icant segliende frate Belle pres det Maras, pikadate, mene sre ool prop site direndere phi grade lr prime regule che nessun raul praticare, onde sfuggirne ta neta. Certo che questo sara wll non sulo a'dilettanti, ma ncaa eoloro che vogliona professare Varte potent ser. vine di schiarimento ad altri metodi, perchi: composto com esempi dimostrativi. i j i i i Score Or Taz Pracricar Meruon. On account of the many advantages that Italian offersit st that voeal eulture should begin in thiv language, ce thin once learned it becomes quite cary to singin x0. y other tongue. I have found that in various countrien, ‘and even in Taly, the most of those who undertake thin study for pleasure merely find itextremely tediouxtobe obliged to practive long exercises their only aimbeing pri vate entertainment), and that consequently they donut be. ‘come grounded in any method. ‘The thought hax therefore occurred to me, of compos ing a work, entirely new,uveful and pleasing, which while avoiding all ediousnens should attain the desired end ‘The chief difficulty for strangers being that of sing.- i ina foreign tongue, I concluded thatit were hetter t» Ihabtuate the pupil from the very beginning to uxethe lan. itvelf, rather than unmeaning ayllablens therefo selecting from the beautiful poem of Metastaxi thone mont suitable, I have made use of them for the purpose of rendering more acceptable those primary exercise, which are alwayx xo irevome to practise. This work cannot failto be of service, not only to amateurs but also to those desirous of perfecting them. selves in the art, since being composed of illustrative examples, it will serve to elucidate other methods Gewenat RULES FOR PRONOUNCING ITALIAN. (Toscan) i father. et. machine. ons mot 1 an00 in cool. © before 0,2, lie © esi, lke ch in chaise (generally) = another ¢, tte ch ix chilly. mast he always rolled. & before ,0,0, asin gold. yi, tke ah (generally) another gf avin gentle ghost i ia million. nin onion. queen Qu asin se before ei, like sh in shade. 2 the 1S in quits, exceptia mezz0, ronoonced medzo 208 Copyright 1878 by OD Rune Co Form and value of the notes and their corresponding rests. Figure e valore delle note e sue pause corrispondenti. ssc, temo, aalhtes Goarter note, Fraure. FORMS. 4 Pause ogugint Ft owmpenting Tavora. } Taniz. de miei syreale 0 2 Met, equivalent fo 2half inter, 200, i to Wquarter ates, r Teo, r 492 Trontus to Se ny second wet G4 Semeniogethenint. io@u nnty tart soten I punto dopo una nota accresce alla nuta stessala 7 Arnate followed by adot Ix inerenved one half. meta del sun vatore. : OTE cob PUNTO. Sores WitH DOTS. toRo ErFErTo. ‘THEIR EFFECT. Lesions pevta earrvra, | ~—«sLbzssom 1m BEATING TIME. Tempo urdinarin Due per quattrn, Tre per quattry. Sei per atte, erat te Tworfrur tine. Three- fur time Bix Pcight time. Te due movment tre morte 1 tae oppure or morimenth Into B movements Toto 3 movements, Into 2 er 6 movement atte, Dodie’ per otto, Tempo a cappella. Twelvet eight ‘time. pe cane Indes wortnenti, Into 8 movements, Inguatro moviment Ino 8 movements, Ina’ movements.

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