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Professional Activities

Commitment to the Profession

 Evaluate the importance of a range of professional activities across the school (assembly, bus duty, extra-curriculum clubs)
 Actively participate in professional activities across the school

Date Professional Activity Description MST/HOF Signature

2018-10-21 Assembly Help the teacher to manage the students and make them do the line up
2018-10-23 Help the assistant Cut with her some papers.
2018-10-28 Assembly Say the national song with the students.
2018-10-30 Duty (break time) Stay with the students and observed them.
2018-10-31 Bus duty Take the students to their places.
2018-10-31 Trip Stay with the students and help the teacher.
2018-11-5 Lunch break Give the students their lunch boxes.
2018-11-6 Help the teacher Pass the students books.
2018-11-7 Break time Monitor the students and play with them.

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