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2) What is the worst thing that describes deforestation? The NO regeneration.

Cutting trees to avoid replacing them is a complete damage to the entire habitat,
because at the same moment the loss of biodiversity is signed; as well as the
probabilities of desertification are increasing in soils of arid characteristics.
Deforestation on your part, it creates a significant impact on the fixation of carbon
; since they that land to have greater possibility of of the soil and
more frequently leads to the surfaces are lend of little or no production.

4) Although it is always thought that all the blame is attributed to the human
population, in the case of deforestation not everything goes in this species, because
there are also elements inducing the cutting of trees given in many natural
Natural causes. Natural phenomena with this group are associated causes such as
floods, hurricanes, as well as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions; it is many fire and
tenses wind that generates the total deforestation in many types of environments.
And although it does not occur as frequently as in the case of causes generated by
ma, they are also important within probability statistics, when one of these
phenomena is generation in different regions.

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