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Class - Linux 101 Problem Set 1 Raluca T.

1. For this task, you have to do the following:

a) go to LinuxJourney and read some stuff from there

b) in terminal, use man COMMNAD to learn more about COMMAND

2. Using:

i) basic commands: ls, pwd, cat, cp, mv, touch, mkdir, grep

ii) pipes |, redirection operatos <, >, <<, >>

Solve the following:

a) make a folder; in it, create 3 empty files and add random paragraphs from
Wikipedia; if wanted, use copy/paste

b) in every of the 3 files, search for whatever string you want; if the file
contains, that string, add the corresponding line to another file, called

c) show the content results.txt in terminal

d) delete the folder created at 2. a)

Due date: 04.11.2018

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