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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

David Goldstein, MD, FRCSC; Mark Shrime, MD; and Jonathan Irish, MD, FRCSC, FACS

H oarseness is a common symptom for which

patients seek medical attention. Any abnor-
mality of the form or function of the vocal cords
Leo’s case
Leo, 66, presents with a six-week history of
can result in hoarseness. While benign, self-limit- hoarseness. His voice has not returned to normal
and there has been no inciting event.
ing processes, such as viral infections, account for
the majority of cases, hoarseness is also the earli- History
est symptom of laryngeal cancer. It is important Leo was a heavy cigarette smoker and a social
for FPs to be able to recognize features suggestive drinker.
of malignancy in order to allow for early diagno-
What do you recommend?
sis and treatment of this highly curable cancer.
Leo is referred to an otolaryngologist and on
flexible fiberoptic examination is noted to have a
Initial workup
i on
bulky lesion on his right vocal cord that is
u t
Although the differential diagnosis for hoarseness
suspicious for carcinoma. The remainder of his
physical examination is normal. It is recommended

yr l D ,

Cop merci
that Leo undergo a panendoscopy
is extensive (Table 1), a detailed history and phys-
ical examination can often determine the etiology s
w n
o in turn, confirms
an d This,
under a general anesthesia.
ccancer. use
e r
that he has laryngeal
dus rso n l

r om
and help guide the workup. It is important to dif-
C Au th o rise for pe
py associated symptoms seen with lar-
a o
ferentiate acute (i.e., less than two weeks) or fluc-
l e i b i ted. Many
i n g
le of
oh nt a synx cancer are non-specific. These can include:
f o r S d u s e pr hoarse-
tuating hoarseness from chronic, persistent
secommonly n d pr

ness, since the latter is o
with a structural a u
r i
, vi ew a associated
ay larynx, such as:
of lthe
• throat pain,
• dysphagia,
• a laryngeal nodule, • odynophagia,
• polyp, or • a neck mass and
• laryngeal cancer. • stridor.
A history of precipitating factors (Table 2), However, their presence should arouse suspicion
should be elicited. Heavy voice use will place a of a malignancy, particularly if they are persistent
patient at risk for the development of benign or present in patients with risk factors for malig-
structural lesions of the larynx, such as laryngeal nancy, such as tobacco and alcohol consumption.
polyps or nodules. The following may contribute Past medical history should include the following
to laryngeal pathology: as they may account for the patient’s hoarseness:
• a history of chronic voice clearing, • systemic diseases,
• cough and • surgical procedures, or
• esophageal reflux. • medications.

84 The Canadian Journal of Diagnosis / February 2007


Table 1

Differential diagnosis of hoarseness

Infectious Trauma
• Vocal cord nodules • External trauma to the laryngeal framework
• Bacterial tracheitis/laryngitis • Intubation injury

Chronic irritation and inflammation Laryngeal cysts

• Vocal cord nodules • Ductal and saccular cysts
• Vocal cord polyps • Laryngoceles
• Contact ulcer or granuloma
• Reflux laryngitis (gastroesophageal reflux) Neoplasms
• Benign
Neurologic - Squamous papillomas chondroma
• Vocal cord paralysis - Lipoma
- Tumours (e.g., thyroid, central nervous - Neurofibroma
system, lung, neural) • Malignant
- Stroke - Squamous cell carcinoma
- Iatrogenic (e.g., thyroid or thoracic surgery) - Chondrosarcoma
- Idiopathic - Neuroendocrine tumours
- Left atrial enlargement, aneurysm of the
aortic arch Other
• Neuromuscular abnormalities • Hypothyroidism
- Myasthenia gravis • Autoimmune disorders
- Spasmodic dysphonia • Amyloidosis
• Neurologic disorders
- Pseudobulbar palsy
- Amytrophic lateral sclerosis

Listening to the patient speak can provide performed. It is an excellent means of detecting
insight into the underlying problem (e.g., a hoarse, subtle abnormalities or early lesions not seen with
breathy voice indicates air escape typical of a uni- routine laryngoscopy. The neck should be evalu-
lateral vocal cord paralysis, while a rough quality ated for lymphadenopathy or thyroid masses.
may indicate a lesion on the vocal cord).
A general head and neck exam should be Causes of hoarseness
performed with a focus toward visualization of the
larynx. Mirror examination is an inexpensive and Viral laryngitis
relatively easy means for FPs to view the larynx. Acute viral laryngitis is one of the most common
In patients with chronic hoarseness, a detailed causes of hoarseness. It is acute in onset and is
examination with a fiberoptic scope (flexible or frequently associated with an upper respiratory
rigid) should be performed; this often requires tract infection (URTI). On examination, the vocal
referral to an otolaryngologist. Videostroboscopy, cords appear erythematous and slightly edema-
which allows assessment of the mucosal wave of tous. Viral laryngitis is a self-limiting process
the vocal cords during phonation, can also be that improves with resolution of the URTI.

The Canadian Journal of Diagnosis / February 2007 85


Treatment involves voice rest and hydration. Table 2

Decongestants can further exacerbate hoarseness Precipitating factors to be elicited on history

and should be avoided. Antibiotics are rarely indi- • Upper respiratory tract infection
cated, since bacterial laryngitis is rare. • Screaming or singing
• Larynx trauma (i.e., getting hit in the neck)
• Surgery (i.e., thyroid or thoracic surgery)
Non-infectious inflammatory laryngitis • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
The development of nodules, polyps, or granulo- • Occupation
mas on the vocal cords can be caused by chronic • Noxious fume inhalation
• Stroke
irritation and inflammation of the vocal cords
• smoking, absence of classic reflux symptoms. It is often
• coughing, worse in the morning after lying supine during the
• throat clearing, night. The classic finding on endoscopy is erythe-
• vocal abuse or misuse and ma and edema of the mucosa between and overly-
• environmental toxin exposure. ing the arytenoids. Reflux laryngitis responds
well to aggressive anti-reflux therapy.
Vocal cord nodules arise in singers, women and Vocal cord paralysis
children. They commonly occur at the junction of Unilateral vocal cord paralysis (UVCP) results
the anterior and middle one-third of both vocal from injury to the ipsilateral recurrent laryngeal
cords. Conservative management with voice rest nerve (RLN) or vagus nerve. Patients present with
and speech therapy is usually successful. Surgery a breathy voice due to an incomplete glottic clo-
is rarely required. sure and potentially, with symptoms of aspiration.
Symptom severity varies. Common causes of
Vocal cord polyps are sessile or pedunculated, Dr. Goldstein is a Staff Surgeon, Head & Neck Surgical
smooth masses, which may be single or multiple, Oncology, Department of Surgical Oncology, University Health
Network and a Princess Margaret Hospital Lecturer, Department
but are most often unilateral. They result from
of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, University of Toronto,
vocal abuse or smoking. In severe cases, particu- Toronto, Ontario.
larly in heavy smokers, the entire mucosa of both
vocal cords becomes edematous and polypoid. Dr. Shrime is a Fellow, Head & Neck Surgical Oncology,
Department of Surgical Oncology, University Health Network
Speech therapy and management of the underly- and Princess Margaret Hospital, Department of Otolaryngology,
ing cause may be attempted, but surgical excision Head & Neck Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
is frequently required.
Dr. Irish is a Staff Surgeon, Head & Neck Surgical Oncology,
Chief, Department of Surgical Oncology, University Health
Gastroesophageal reflux Network and Princess Margaret Hospital Professor, Department
Hoarseness can also be a symptom of gastro- of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario.
esophageal reflux and may be present even in the

86 The Canadian Journal of Diagnosis / February 2007


UVCP include iatrogenic injury following thyroid Frequently

or thoracic surgery and neoplasms that invade or
Asked Questions
compress the vagus or RLN. In a number of cases,
1. When should I be concerned enough to refer
no identifiable cause is found after an extensive a patient with hoarseness?
work-up. Observation is initially indicated for Referral should be made when hoarseness is
patients with UVCP and an intact nerve, as func- present for more than two weeks and should be
tion will often recover in six months to considered when you are unable to visualize the
larynx on mirror examination, in patients with
12 months. In patients who do not recover, medi- risk factors for laryngeal cancer and when
alization of the vocal cord can be performed, patients fail to respond to conservative
allowing for the apposition of the cords on adduc- management.

tion and marked improvement of the voice. 2. To whom should I refer my patient?
Referral can be made to any otolaryngologist.
cute viral laryngitis is
A one of the most
common causes of
Referral to a speech pathologist can be made
after a diagnosis is obtained.
3. Can reflux, without a history of heartburn,
cause hoarseness?
Yes, mild hoarseness can be caused with acid
hoarseness. It is acute in reflux. It is frequently associated with a
sensation of a foreign body in the throat and
onset and is frequently may not be associated with classic heartburn
associated with an URTI. symptoms.

75 years. Over 90% of laryngeal cancers are of

Neurologic disorders the squamous cell type and tend to be well-differ-
Hoarseness may also be an early symptom of neu- entiated and slow growing. Laryngeal cancers
rologic and neuromuscular disorders. Spasmodic occur on the vocal cords (glottic cancer) in the
dysphonia is a neuromuscular disorder of the lar- majority of cases, but also can arise above the
ynx in which excessive involuntary adduction of vocal cords (supraglottic cancer) and very rarely
the vocal cords during phonation results in a below the vocal cords (subglottic cancer). The
strained or broken voice. Management involves major risk factors for laryngeal cancer are ciga-
speech therapy and possibly botulinum toxin rette smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
injections. Other neurologic disorders that may Benign neoplasms of the larynx in adults are rare.
present with hoarseness include:
• myasthenia gravis, Presentation
• amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Glottic cancers present early with hoarseness and
• pseudobulbar palsy. typically do not have nodal metastases due to the
sparse lymphatic network of the vocal cords.
Larynx cancer Supraglottic cancers tend to present late with:
Laryngeal cancer typically presents with hoarseness. • hoarseness,
It occurs most commonly in men aged 45 years to • dysphagia,

The Canadian Journal of Diagnosis / February 2007 87


• odynophagia,
• otalgia, Take-home message
• respiratory distress and
• Hoarseness, due to viral laryngitis, usually
• nodal metastases. improves within two weeks
On laryngoscopy, carcinomas appear as either
• Patients with persistent hoarseness or risk
exophytic or ulcerative lesions and may cause factors for larynx cancer should be referred
changes in vocal cord mobility. Precancerous early for further evalutaion
lesions, such as dysplasia and carcinoma in-situ, • Larynx cancer is curable if diagnosed and
which also present with hoarseness, appear as treated early
areas of leukoplakia (white patches) along the
vocal cord. Diagnosis is made on biopsy in the Conclusion
operating room under general anesthesia.
While the majority patients presenting with
Treatment hoarseness have causes that are benign and self-
Treatment depends upon the stage of the tumour, limiting, hoarseness may also be an early symp-
as determined by physical examination and imag- tom of serious disease, such as:
ing. The goals of treatment are to achieve cure • laryngeal cancer,
while preserving voice and swallowing function. • autoimmune disorders and
Precancerous lesions are treated with microsurgi- • neuromuscular disorders.
cal excision or close follow-up. For early-stage Laryngeal cancer, when diagnosed early, can be
larynx cancers (i.e., those limited to the larynx treated without significant morbidity and mortal-
without vocal cord paralysis), radiation and sur- ity. Therefore, patients with persistent or recur-
gery have similar success rates. Radiation is the rent hoarseness should undergo laryngoscopy to
most common method of treatment since it pre- determine if they require a referral to an oto-
serves the best quality of voice. However, in laryngologist. Dx
selected patients, transoral laser surgery is a
potential option that achieves good voice results
and spares the morbidity associated with radiation.
Advanced-stage larynx cancers (tumours that
extend outside of the larynx, or have vocal cord
paralysis) are managed with:
• radiation,
• concomitant chemoradiation, or
• a total laryngectomy.
Voice and speech rehabilitation are integral in
helping the patient maintain communicative abil-
ities post-treatment.

88 The Canadian Journal of Diagnosis / February 2007

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