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Mia Klopfenstein

Amanda Reynolds
31 October 2018
Journal Entry
My topic is about food waste in the United States. My audience are people living in the
US who don’t know a lot about food waste and need to be informed. Their values should be
concerned with creating a better world. A lot of food goes to waste in the US, according the
Natural Resources Defense Council up to 40% of the food produced goes straight to landfills.
Their goals should be to make changes that would improve the efficiency of the food industry.
I want the design to be eye catching and to entice them to want to waste less food. I want
to use natural colors and state facts about food waste.
I want my audience to know facts about food waste and what they can do to decrease the
amount of food that goes to waste. I want them to know easy ways that they can change their
habits to decrease food waste. I hope that from my design, they will change their lifestyle to
waste less food.
I think I could describe facts by using colors that pop and using big text to highlight
words. With the fact about 40% of food goes to waste, the 40% could be highlighted or being
larger than the rest of the text.

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