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CBSE Sample Paper

Class 12 Information Practices

General Instructions:
a) All questions are compulsory.
b) Answer the question after carefully reading the text.
c) Write the question numbers correctly from the question paper before giving the answers.
d) Before attempting, read and understand the question carefully.
e) Don’t write un-necessary information in your answer-sheet.
f) Write all the answer neat hand writing.

1. (a) Which communication channel is suitable when very fast communication between two
offices in two different countries is required? [1]
(b) Name the device which handles the connection between two or more networks which may
have different protocols. [1]
(c) Differentiate between Co-axial cable and Fibre Optical Cable. [1+1]
(d) Write one snooping method used by hackers/crackers? [1]
(e) Mr. Ram is interested in transferring songs from his mobile to Mr. Shyam’s mobile. Suggest
two suitable wireless options he may use for doing the same. [1]
(f) How does denial of service affect Internet Access? [1]
(g) Expand the following abbreviations: [3]
(i) LAMP (ii) WIMP (iii)W3C
(iv) FSF (v) GNU (vi) OSS

2. (a) Ms. Vidya Chauhan is confused between Proprietary Software and Open Source Software.
Mention at least two points of differences to help her understand the same. [2]
(b) A Cloth Show-Room has announced the following festival discounts on the purchase of
items, based on the total cost of the items purchased: [2]
Total Cost Discount (in
Less than Rs 2000 5
Rs 2001 to Rs 5000 25
Rs 5001 to Rs 10000 35
Above Rs 10000 50

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Write a function to compute and display the amount in a text to be paid by the customer after
availing the discount. Notice that the amount should be as a double type parameter.
(c) Name a component that looks like a button and that, when pressed, brings up a menu of
items for the user to choose from. [2]
(d) Design a HTML table as given below: [2]
World Coffee Market
Country Metric Tons Bags 2007/8
Brazil 17,000,000 36,070
Vietnam 15,580,000 18,000
Columbia 9,400,000 12,400
Indonesia 2,770,554 6,446
Ethiopia 1,705,446 5,733
Coffee Producers by Court

(e) Using method/function, develop a Java Program to calculate the Area of scalene triangle
using Hero’s formula. [2]

3. (a) What is meant by cardinality of a table? Give an example. [1]

(b) Mr. Krishna Swami is working on a database and has doubt about the concept of
SAVEPOINT in a transaction. Write down the meaning of SAVEPOINT and provide a simple
example considering yourself as an online web support executive. [1]
(c) What is the difference between CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE commands [1]
(d) Table STUDENT has 4 rows and 2 columns. Table MARKS has 2 rows and 3 columns. What
will be the cardinality and degree of the Cartesian product of STUDENT and MARKS? [1]
(e) There is a column Salary in a table EMPLOYEE. The following two statements are giving
different outputs. What may be the possible reason? [2]
(f) Mr. Kapoor is a programmer at Ekansh Enterprise. He created 5 digit password and stored
in a string variable called strPassword. He wants to stored the same password in an Integer
type variable called intPassword. Write an appropriate Java statement to transfer the content
from strPassword to intPassword. [2]
(g) Mrs. Kumar is using table STUDENTS with the following columns :
She wants to display all information of students in descending order of name and within
ascending order of aggregate. She wrote the following SQL query and she did not get the
Rewrite the above query to get the desired output. [2]

4. (a) Common Wealth International is a bank. The bank provides three types of loan – Car loan,
House loan, Education loan. The following is the Interest rate and discount calculation form.

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A JPanel container is used for Loan type with jRadioButton controls as follow:
jRadioButton1 : Car Loan (optCar) with buttonGroup1
jRadioButton2 : House Loan (optHouse) with buttonGroup1
jRadioButton2 : Education Loan (optEdu) with buttonGroup1

Enter the loan amount (txtLAmount) in the text box and do the following :

(i) Write the code for clear button (named as cmdClear) to clear all the text boxes and set car
loan as default loan type. [1]
(ii) Write the code for Show Interest Amount button (named as btnShowInt) to show the
interest rate (txtRate) according to the following criteria: [1]
Car Loan – 10%
House loan – 8.5%
Education loan – 5%
(iii) Write the code for Calculate Discount button (named as btnCalcDisc) to find the Discount
amount (txtDisc). Notice that the bank provides discount on loan amount according to
following criteria. [2]
If loan amount < = Rs10,000,00 then discount amount is 0.20% of loan amount.
If loan amount > Rs 10,000,00 then discount amount is 0.25% of loan amount.
The Net Amount = Interest – Discount Amount.

(b) Mr. Rangaswami works at a Recreation Park as a system analyst. He has created the
following GUI. When a group arrives at the Recreation Park, the no of people in the group and
whether the group wants to enjoy the Water Park or not is entered. Entry fee is 500 per
person. The person can choose to play at Water Park by selecting the checkbox. Rides of Water
Park will cost 250 extra per person.

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(i) Write a code to disable textfields(jTextField2, jTextField3 and jTextField4) when the
program is executed.
(ii) On the click of command button “Calculate” , textfield for “entry fees” should display Entry
Fees per person x Number of People. if Water Park checkbox is selected, textfield for water
charges should display Water Park charges per person x Number of people. Text Field for
“total amount” should display sum of entry fees and Water Park charges for all the people in
group. [2]
(iii) Write Java code to clear all textboxes on the click of “Clear” Button and all text boxes
contain 0. [1]
(iv)Write Java code to close the application on the click “Exit” Button with appropriate
message dialog box. [1]

(c) What will be the output of the following program [1+1]

(i) int x, y;
x = 5;
y = 1;
while (x > 0) {
x = x - 1;
y = y * x;
jTextArea1.append(String.valueOf(y) + “\n”);
(ii) int i = 0, x = 0;
for ( i = 1; i < 10; i *=2)
jTextArea1.append (String.valueOf(x));
(d) The following code has some error(s). Rewrite the correct code and underline all the
corrections made: [1+1]
(i) int Sum=0, Step=5;
int I;
for(i=0; i<=5; i++)
Step += 5;
Ssum +=Step;
jTextArea.showText(“ ”+Sum);

(ii) Int P = 3, sum = 0;

sum = p;
P += 3;

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while ( p =< 12)

(e) Rewrite the following program code using a if statement. [1+1]

(i) int C=jComboBox1.getSelectedIndex( );
case 0 : FinalAmt=BillAmt ; break;
case 1 : FinalAmt=0.9 * BillAmt ; break;
case 2 : FinalAmt=BillAmt * 0.8 ; break;
default : FinalAmt=BillAmt ;

(ii) Convert the following segment into an equivalent do....while loop.

int x, c;
for( x = 10; c = 20; c > = 20; c = c – 2)

5. (a) Differentiate between UPDATE and ALTER Command . [2]

(b) Write the output of the following : [2]
(i) SELECT FLOOR(144.34) + 1000 + CEIL(32.23);
(ii) SELECT MOD(9*5, 9) + CEIL(100.56);
(ii) SELECT FLOOR(65467.8890) + ROUND(1234.88 ,1);
(c) Consider the following table BANK. Write the SQL commands for the statement (i) to (iv)
and give outputs for SQL Queries (v) to (viii).
Table: Bank
Acc No C Name B Name Amount Date of Open T Transactions
1 Karan Bank of Baroda 15000 1998-01-12 10
2 Puneet State Bank 25000 1997-02-01 09
3 Anirban Oriental Bank 17000 1999-07-15 05
4 Yatin Standard Charted 38000 1998-02-10 11
5 Sunny State Bank 47000 1998-08-10 15
6 Jayant UCO Bank 34000 1999-01-02 07
7 Nikhil Bank of Baroda 56000 1999-01-02 12
8 Tarun Oriental Bank 22000 1999-04-04 08
9 Jisha UCO Bank 34500 1998-01-05 11

(i) Display data for all customers whose transaction is between 8 and 11. [1]
(ii) Display data for all customers sorted by their date of open. [1]
(iii) To count the number of customers with amount < 30000. [1]

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(iv) List the minimum and maximum amount from the BANK. [1]

6. (a) Write SQL Command to create the table “Toyz” with the following structure and
constraint: [2]
Table: Toys
Column Name Data Type (Size) Constraint
Toy_no Int (10) Primary Key
Toy_name Varchar (20)
Type Char (10)
Price Decimal (8, 2)
Colour Varchar (15) Default Red

(b) In a Database – SAMS and VENDOR are two tables with the following information. Write
MySQL queries for (i) to (iii), based on tables SAMS and VENDOR.

Table: SAMS
Icode IName Price Colour VCode
S001 Refrigerator 20000 Blue P01
S002 Mobile Phone 45000 Black P02
S003 LCD 65000 Silver Op03
S004 Washing 12500 Smoke P01
S005 Air Conditioner 16000 White P03

Table : VENDOR
VCode VName
P01 Satish
P02 Manoj
P03 Subodh
P04 Jacob

(i) To display ICode , IName and VName of all the vendors, who manufacture “Refrigerator”.
(ii) To display IName, VName and Price of all the products whose price is more than 20000.

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(iii) To display vendor names and names of all items manufactured by vendor whose item
code is “P03”. [2]
(iv) With reference to SAMS table, which column should be set as the Primary Key? Which
column is foreign key? Give reasons. [2]

7. (a) Define e-Business. Name one popularly used e-Business web site. [2]
(b) How does e-governannce help in reducing corruption. Write two points. [2]
(c) Suruchi works for a Shopping Mart. She wants to create controls on a form for the following
operations :
Choose most appropriate controls out of Text Box, Label, Radio Button, List Box, combo Box,
Check Box and Command Button. [1]
S. No Function Control Name
1 Enter the Item Code
2 Select Item Size (from list of sizes)
3 Enter Quantity
4 Submit the form

(d) Study the following data for patient table and answer the question that follows: [1]
Table : Patient
Name P_no Date_Adm Doc_no
Mohan P_101 2006_03_21 301
Priya P_204 2006_04_03 134
Suraj P_375 2006_01_15 204
Komal P_424 2006_06_24 134

Suggest the data types and width that should be used for each of the fields in the above.

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