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Academic Problem In Chapingo

Even though Chapingo is one of the most successful agronomical school have a lot
of problems, in the following essay I going to talk about three mainly problems that
Chapingo has at the beginning I will approach the topic Each student needs a
scholarship next the School needs another dining room and at the end the school
needs more prepared teachers.
Each student needs a scholarship, I think every student in Chapingo have to receive
a support to continue studding, all most 85% of the Chapingo´s students have a
scholarship and the other 15% not, that’s why supposedly that percentage have
more resources to study and live close to school compared whit the other ones. But
nevertheless I think each student give a great performance to continue in the school
doesn’t matter if they have a lot of money or if their home its too far from Chapingo
all students take de same classes, do the same homework and do the same exams
the endeavor it’s the same.
The school needs another dining room, there are two dining rooms at school to more
or less eight thousand students and have to work three times a day, most of the
times exceeds its capacity mainly at breakfast and dinner, usually the students have
to make line up for 10 or 15 minutes to be able get in the dinning and eat, this causes
delays or prefer don´t eat. The ¨Comedor Central¨ give service to 60 percent of the
Chapingo´s enrollment and the ¨Comedor Campestre” the rest of the enrollment (40
%) If the council approve the project of a new dining room the percentage reduce to
33 % per dinning room and if it has a good location can distribute better to the
students and maybe they don’t have to walk too much to eat.
The school needs more prepared teachers because many groups at school don’t
have it, maybe mainly problems is whit the participants of examinations convocatory
the authorities say that the participants cant approve the exam or don’t have enough
knowledge about how to teach that’s why they can´t contract people with serios
deficit about skills in the academic areas. But the still the students don´t have
The real state is Chapingo has many problems I only talked about three that affect
directly students, probably solution to first issue that I mentioned is more difficult to
do, even though the authorities have to focus in the other cases because I think have
a real solution.

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