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Celebration Slam Poem THE UNSPOKEN

The group sets up on stage. ALL POETS enters stage left. JOSE stands downstage
right, SOPHIA stands downstage center, and KHODY stand downstage left. ALL
POETS have their heads down.

ALL POETS have heads down. SOPHIA’S head comes up and says her first line.

SOPHIA: When we were young we said our first word. Watching our parents
look at smiling, waiting for us to say anything.

KHODY’S head comes up and he says his first line.

KHODY: When we got older our parents taught us to say “thank you” and
“you're welcome” if you don't use your voice with respect others you
won't give you respect.

JOSE’S head comes up and says his first line.

JOSE: Ahora se nos enseña a ver lo que decimos porque nuestras

voces ahora tiene consecuencias
Now we are taught to watch what we say because our voices have
consequences now.

ALL POETS: We all have have a voice

SOPHIA: some of us maybe hiding out voice behind a mask, being afraid
what others will think

KHODY: some of us be learning how to use it

JOSE: some of us may be using our voice to put down people

si hablas mal el diablo te quemará la lengua
some of us need to speak our minds, not worrying what others will
think, and step out behind that mask.
ALL POETS: Being judged.

SOPHIA: That's my issue with speaking. If say something incorrect, I know I'll
get those laughs from every corner of the room, as if i'm wearing
some type of costume. Feeling like I have to put on that mask and
say only what others want to hear

ALL POETS:So I wont get judged.

ALL POETS: Voice, authority

KHODY: all problems we face. From the day we were born we were simply
just whispers in the world, Slow, Not heard, Quiet​. ​In Front of
authority we change what we say because to say what we want we
have to be in a different place,Some hide behind screens like if it
were a mask because when it comes to authority,

ALL POETS: It's a​ ​pain in the ass.

JOSE : I don’t want to let out my voice because im afraid to get judged by
others for the way that I sound.

ALL POETS​​: We are all so small in this world, do not allow yourself to be a


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