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Sample Questions for Mental Ability Test (MAT)

1-3. Titere is some relationship between the two tetms (figmeslletters) on the left
side ofthe sign (::). The same relationship exists between the two te1ms on the
right of the sign (::) of which one is missing. Find the missing one fi·om the
given four altematives.


1. BB C E

2. 9 25 49 ?

1. 36
2. 81
3. 64
4. 100


4 - 5 TI1e capital letters in each of the following words are coded and written in
small letters on the right side of each word, but the small letters do not appear in the
same order as the letters in the word. Find out the codes for letters and answer the
questions that follow.
KING bdm e
RING de o b
IN K e mb
I RK oem
4. Which is the code for letter K?

1. e
2. m
3. d
4. b

5. What would be the code (in correct order) for the word K I N ?

1. em b
2. m be
3. orne
4. meb

6. In the following question the problem figme on the right is hidden in

one of the fom figures marked 1, 2, 3 and 4. Find the altemative, which
1he problem figme is hidden.

セ@ I 2 3 4

7.- 8 Study the following nmnber line and an swer 1he questions that follow.
7 5 952 3594859545935 59 5359452535659.

7. How many times is ' 5' is followed by '9'? But in such pairs, ' 3' should not
come before ' 5'.

1. 3
2. 4
3. 5
4. 6

8. How many times do the two consecutive nmnbers (numbers one after the
other) have a difference of2?

1. 5
2. 7
3. 9
4. 8
9-10. Study the following pattems and answer the questions that follow.

セッ@ 60 セ ッ@ ョッセ ッ doセ@

ッセX ッ セXッョ ッ ッ@
セ V Pエゥ P VP@
9. How many times does the moon セ@ come after a circle 0
and before a 0 ?

1. 6
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5

10. How many times does a b.i.angle 6 come before a circle 0

and a square D before the triangle?
1. 3
2. 4
3. 2
4. 5

11 . If +means x, x means - , + means x and - means + , then

2 + 8 X 16 - 4 + 2 = ?

1. 4
2. 8
3. 10
4. 12
12. A boy struted fiom his home. After walking for 5 km towru·ds east, he himed to
his 1ight ru1d walked for 8 km. Then he again tl.uned to his 1ight and walked for
10 km .. In which direction was he fiom his house?

1. West
2. South-West
3. Nmth
4. Nmth- West

13. Which one of the fom diagrams given below represents school, teachers and

2 1
Which one of the fom diagrams given below represents educated persons,
musicians ru1d signers?

セ」イッP@ J J, 4

15. TI1ere is a figme to the left of the ve1tical pru·allellines. Its minor image is
given as one of the four figmes given to the 1ight of these lines. Examine
these figures cru·efully ru1d find the one, which is the exact minor image of the
figme given to the left of the ve1ticalline.
Solutions to MAT Questions

Question Answer Rationale

1. 2 In tius question two sets of letters are given to ti1e left of the
s1gn (::). In the first group ilie second set has MM
coiTesponding to LL. M IS the next letter to L in the
alphabetical se1ies. Similarly M in the first set is replaced by N
(the next letter in the sequence). 0 remains same in boti1 the
sets. Using the above logic, AA shall be replaced by BB, B
should be replaced by C and D remains fue same. Therefore,
the answer is BBCD given at altemative 2.
2. 2. In ilie first group of numbers two numbers are given. TI1e first
number 9 is the square of 3, 25 is square of 5. Here ti1ese
numbers are increasing by 2 i.e. 3+2 = 5.
Similarly in tile next group 49 is the square of7, using the same
logic; tile next number should be tite square of 9 (7+2). i.e. 81,
given at altemative 2.
3. 3 The first figure is a uiangle. In the next hiangle the mms are
extended. Small circles m·e placed above tite mms
In ilie second set, ilie first figure is a squm·e. If you extend its
aims in fue same mailller and place ilie circles above the
extended a11ns anticlockwise, fue answer figure would be 3.
4. 2 You cm1 see that in KING and RING, ING is common.
Therefore, fue three letters, which representING, should be 'b
d e' wluch is also common in the given code. Tite left out
letter in the word KING is K i .e. m in the given code.
S.imilm1y in RING ti1e left out letter is R wluch is 'o' in the
The rest of tite code you can work out.
5. 4 To work out the Code for KIN you have to see the next two
words i.e. INK and IRK. I and K are common in both the
words. In the code, you can see that 'e' and 'm' are common.
You know that ' m' represents K. So 'e' represents I.
Now, you can see that 'b ' represents N. TI1erefore KIN can be
coded as 'me b' which is at altemative 4.
6. See the problem figure carefi.uly, which has one vertical line
and three horizontal parallel lines cutting the hmizontal line at
tluee places. Obse1ve the distance of these lines too.
Now obse1ve tl1e altematives. In altemative 2, almost the same
pattem is available, but tl1e bottom horizontal line is broken.
In altemative 3, the middle hmizontal line is missing. In
altemative 4, the vertical line is missing.
Therefore, conect altemative 1s 1 where the full pattem is
7. 3 First obse1ve and mark tl1e pairs of 5 and 9. You will find 7
such pam. Again obsetve that two pairs have 3 before 5.
Therefore, you are left with 5 pairs of 5 and 9. So tl1e conect
altemative is 3.
8. 2 Let us find tl1e two numbers, which have a difference of2. We
see that first two munbers '7' and '5' have the difference of 2,
next 3 and 5 have the same difference, and again tl1ere are 3
and 5. Then tl1ere are 5, 3, and 5. Here 5 and 3 and 3 and 5
both have the difference of 2. A similar pair we find fi.uther
again. Thus, there are 7 such pairs and the answer is 2.
9. 4 Using the same logic as givru in questions 7 and 8 find the pattem as asked in
questions 9 and l 0.

11. 2 In the gtven question replace division symbol (+) with
multiplication symbol (x), multiplication symbol (x) with
minus symbol (- ), plus (+)with multiplication (x) and minus
(- )with division (+). You will get this equation:
2 X 8 - 16 + 4 X 2
Tlus can be wmked out using nonnal niles. The value of the
equation will be 8 which is placed at altemative 2.
12. 2

vMセhゥッュᄋGカ ᄋ LュセMe@

1 () Vm

Obse1ve the figure and see that the boy will be in the South
West direction fiom his house.
13. 4 All schools have teachers and students. No teacher is a
student. Therefore, these two are independent of each other but
pmt of the school. Therefore, altemative 4 is the allSWer
wherein the big circle represents school a11d two small circles
witlun it represent teachers and students separately.
14. 3 All singers m·e musicians, some singers and musicians are
educated. Therefore, tl1e large circle represents musicians and
tl1e circle inside it represents singers. The tlurd circle, winch
cuts across these two circles, represents educated persons, as
some of the musicians and singers may be educated. The
altemative 3 shows tlris possibility.
15. 2 In the minor linage tl1ere is a lateral inversion i.e. 1ight side
appears to be on the left and vice-versa. So, out of the four
given figmes, figure given in altemative 2 is the minor linage
of the given figm·e.

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