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Assalammu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Dear English lecturer, Mrs.Tuty Anggraini,Ph.D. and my dear friends in arms.

Before I begin to give a speech, iwould like to invite you all to thank Allah the Almighty,
who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place. And
also let’s deliever shalawat and salam to our prophet Muhammaad SAW, who has brought us
from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right path.

Ladies and gentlemen

It be a great honor for me, to stand right here in front of you all to give a speech about “The
Beauty of West Sumatera”.

Indonesia is a great country, it has so many natural resources that can be used, it has so many
beautiful palaces that can mesmerize people. One of the provinces that has the most visited
places by tourist, namely west sumatera, located on island of sumatera. Padang as the capital
of West Sumatera Province.

West Sumatera has a culture, a typical food of west sumatera, an attractive tourist attraction
to be visited by domestic and foreign tourist. West Sumatera has many tourist attractions that
are worth a visit. Tourism in West Sumatera has a natural beauty that’s natural, has waves
that can be used to surf the sea, have cool air like in Batusangkar and Bukittinggi.

The attractions in West Sumatera include:

1. Maninjau Lake
You can visit the location in the West Sumatera Agam district by car for 3 hours from
city of Padang. The distances is around 140 kilometers to the north. This beautiful
lake is the third largest in the island of sumatera, after Toba Lake, which is the pride
tourist attraction in the city of Medan.
2. Jam Gadang
One of the tourist icons from the city of Padang is the Jam Gadang located in
Bukittinggi square.
3. Pagaruyuang Palace
The building is the hallmark of house in West Sumatera called Minangkabau. The
location of Pagaruyuang Palace is still in the Tanah Datar area.
4. Singkarak Lake
This tourist spot is very famous in the world, especially after succesfully holding a
bicycle race known as the tour de Singkarak. The location of the largest lake in West
Sumatera includes two districts, Solok and Tanah Datar.
5. Harau Valley
The Padang area is known as the canyon sari region. And the famous one is this
Harau Valley. The altitude is almost 150 meters and is in Payakumbuh.

The following are the most visited tourist sites in West Sumatera. We as tourists, keep
the natural beauty of Indonesia so that no damage occurs.

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