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To learn SAPUI5 and Fiori Application Development completely one need to understand

Netweaver Gateway and OData which is Backend for Fiori.

3 Options:

Learn Netweaver Gateway, OData and then SAPUI5; so now you could build Fiori
Applications. However you have to search for each topic in SCN separately and
Read books - A. Getting Started with SAPUI5 written by Miroslav Antolovic and B.
OData and SAP NetWeaver Gateway written by Carsten B�nnen, Volker Drees, Andr�
Fischer, Ludwig Heinz, Karsten Strothmann.
May be you can first go through SAPUI5 FIORI FREE VIDEO TRAINING and learn. This
tutorial is sequential, simple and short which makes perfect sense to start
learning SAPUI5. I think this video tutorial is a comprehensive summary of the
above mentioned 2 books.
Wish U best.

The learning curve for SAPUI5 can be steep if you are coming from an ABAP
Before you can learn UI5 you need to have a good grasp on JavaScript.
This is an excellent resource for that: Eloquent JavaScript

I would also look at the source code and sample apps from OpenUI5 SDK - Demo Kit
But perhaps you have done that and are finding it tricky.
You should start with the hello world app and once you understand the flow of the
app move on to more complex examples.

Other resources include:

Blogs on the front-end section of SCN: UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 Devel...
Other peoples code - once you have exhausted the example apps then go hunting on
github for other ui5 applications.

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