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Session 1 (~ 1 hr 25 min):
A) Warm-up (~ 10 min)
 Jump Rope Hard x 5 min
 Neck Rotations x 10/direction
 Arm Rotations x 10/direction
 Trunk Rotations x 10/direction
 Reach Throughs FMB x 10
 Foot Touchs x 5/side
 Gate Swings x 10/side
 High Kicks/Back Kicks x 10/side
 High Knees/ Butt Kicks x 10

B) Circuit (~15 min)

 Keep track of time for entire circuit and weight, improve both over time
 3 rounds / 30 sec between moves / 90 sec between rounds
o Double-KB clean and military press x 6 reps
o Alternating renegade row x 6/side
o Turkish get-up x 3/side
o One-arm front squat x 8/side
o One-arm KB swing x 15/side

C) Kettlebells (~10 min)

 Kettlebell Swing
o Work up to 18 kg
o Do 75 reps, if stop, wait 60 sec, repeat until total reached

D) Complex (~5 min)

 Pushup x 10
 Burpee x 5
 Squat x 10
 Squat Jump x 5
 Row x 5

E) Rehab (~20 min)

 Deep BW squat x 30 secs
 Glute squeeze x 30 secs
 Hamstring stretch x 30 secs
 Crucifix Stretch x 5/30 secs
 Neck Stretch x 10/5 count/direction
 Neck Crunch x 3 sets of 12/5 count
 Flying L Raise x 3 sets of 12/5 count
 Prone Cobra x 3 sets of 12/5 count
 Glute Bridge x 3 sets of 12/5 count
 Side Lying Clamshell x 3 sets of 12/5 count
 Thoracic Bridge x 30 sec

F) Cool-Down (~10 min)

 Calves, Hamstrings, Quads, Groin, Hip Flexors, Lats, Pecs, Traps
 2 x 30 secs

G) Recovery (~15 min)

 3 rounds
o 2 min in Sauna = deep belly breathing
o 3 min in Whirlpool = up to neck
o Cold Shower Spray, shake off water after

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